Chapter Thirty-One

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"It's been a pleasure."

"By the looks of it, literally," Jordan joked, making the two go red.

"Erm, the wedding starts in 10; come on, let's go," one of the bridesmaids called to Jordan.

"But I wanna be fashionably late!"

"Not today, Jordan! I don't care how much of a falling in reverse fan you are." Valerie lectured, pushing her out of the room, with Vinny following closely behind. "It's your wedding day, and I don't think Taylor will be happy if you are late."

"We will see you there!" Valerie called to her sister as she and Vinny got in the car, and they drove off quickly.

"I'm going to listen to Fashionably Late now." Vinny groaned, humming the tune and tapping his hands to the beat on the dashboard.

"Here, help yourself." Valerie laughed at his antics and passed him her phone so he could link it to the car, and soon enough the two were singing along to the song.

"I love the way that this began," Vinny sang, his voice being music to Valerie's ears.

Valerie sang, "Started off right, so innocent," winking at Vinny, who rolled his eyes.

"In your dreams, Drummer Girl,"

"In your dreams, for sure," she laughed, glancing over at him. He was staring at her with a pleased smile on his face.

"Thank you, Val."

"You're welcome! We are finally here, and in good time as well!"

"Come on, let's go in. At least we aren't fashionably late."


"That was beautiful" Valerie sighed happily, wiping a stray tear from her eye. "I'm glad she's finally happy."

"It was beautiful" vinny smiled at her, grabbing her hand as they left the wedding venue and out into the car park

Valerie's long black and red-streaked hair went crazy in the wind, making Vinny laugh. But then she doubled over in laughter as his own hair started attacking him.

He began swinging their arms back and forth, a content expression on his face. He laced an arm around her waist, and Valerie placed her head on his shoulder, "Hey, do you want to stay over when the tour is ov-"

"Valerie!" boomed an all-too-familiar voice. Valerie froze, turning slowly with a look of terror on her face. "You bitch, how could you do that to me?"

"Um, hi Nathan. I'm sor-"

"Hey man, how's your face doing?" Vinny glared, stepping in front of Valerie and holding her waist tighter.

"Never better, but not thanks to you. Anyways, I'm not talking to you, so get the fuck out of my way. Let's have a talk, Valerie; I miss you." Nathan snapped, shoving Vinny to the side.

He had pushed Vinny with such force that his smaller frame hit the ground hard, and Valerie could hear him groaning.

"Vin-" she yelled as she dashed to his side.

But she let out a gasp as Nathan harshly grabbed her shoulder, making her cry out. He shook her, as if to intimidate her.

She looked up at the man she once cared for, and a pulse of hatred struck through her. She glanced at Vinny, worry in her eyes.

"Forget him," Nathan spat, grabbing her face and making her look at him. "Why did you do that to me, you bitch!?" He raised his voice,

"I didn't do anything; you cheated on me," she said calmly.

⌑ Eternally yours/ Vinny M X OC/ ⌑Where stories live. Discover now