Chapter Twenty-Three

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▪️3rd person point of view▪️

"Um, five black large coffees, a honey flapjack, and one large breakfast, um, hold on one second." Vinny mumbled, turning around to the booth everyone was sitting in,
"Val, are you sure you don't want anything to eat?"

"Yes, Vinny," she giggled, "I'm quite sure. Just hurry up with our coffees."

"And a large caramel latte. That's all," he continued, confidently this time.

"That'll be $15, please," grumbled the cashier as she took the order. The cashier kept glancing at Vinny, then at the group. a judgmental look in her eye. "It'll be ready in five. I'll bring your coffees over now. Thank you"

"Vinny, get those stupid glasses off your face!" Ricky laughed, shoving Vinny in the side and making him stumble. They hide those oh so beautiful eyes you have! Wouldn't you agree, Val?" Ricky teased, but Valerie just laughed.

"Let the man be; if he's happy in his cute glasses, then I'm happy. They make a nice addition to his cute little face," she grinned as she booed his nose.

"Awh Val! I think that's the nicest thing you've said all day! You haven't even apologised for stealing my hoody yet." Vinny jokingly cried out, placing a hand on his heart,

"Oh shut up, it's only 10 a.m.," she giggled, nudging Vinny as he sat down.

Valerie took a deep breath and glanced at Vinny. He nodded, smiling.
She went over what they had spoken of in the hotel room and breathed out.

"I think I want to tell the guys we are dating; I think they know we have chemistry, but I don't like hiding it, if that's okay?" Valerie spoke quietly to Vinny as they cuddled in bed.

"Val, of course that's okay! I just don't want you to feel like you have to tell them, but whatever you decide, I will be by your side." Vinny replied, pecking her lips before bringing her closer to his embrace.

"Let's do it tomorrow at breakfast," she replied, and soon she fell into the depths of the dream world.

"Um," she said, clearing her throat and getting the guys' attention. "We have something to tel-"

"Here are your coffees and breakfast," Valerie was interrupted by the cashier, who set everything down.

"Thank you!" Everyone replied and started drinking their coffee, Vinny waiting to eat his food.

"What were you saying, Val?" Justin asked, putting his mug down and leaning on the table.

"Hold on, this coffee is incredible!" Ryan moaned, licking his lips.

"Shut up, man. Valerie was talking." Chris laughed, and they all turned to look at her.

"Um," she stuttered, grabbing Vinny's hand under the table. "Me and Vinny are dating. No buts. This is a thing now," she states, looking at each of the guys with a certain 'don't fight me on this' look in her eyes.

Vinny stiffled a laugh as he watched. He thought she looked so adorable when she was serious. He also laughed because they all looked like deer caught in headlights.

A sad look flashed through Chris' face, but he smiled nonetheless.

In a quick flash, Justin turned to Ricky with a shit eating grin, and Ricky just put his head on the table, groaning.

"Pay up, doubting Thomas!" Justin laughed, rubbing his hands together, like that one evil racoon meme.

"Goodbye, sweet money," Ricky cried, giving Justin 30 dollars.

"You guys bet on us getting together?" Vinny laughed, went gobsmacked, and put an arm around Valerie's shoulder.

"Vin, they bet on everything. You saw what they were like when Chris was beating their asses on that football game" Valerie giggled, laying her head on his shoulder, sending butterflies through the two of them.

"Awh, now we can tease you!" Ryan laughed, fist-bumping Vinny with a smirk.

"How is everyone's food?" The chef asked, coming from the kitchen with a happy smile on his face.

"It is amazing!" Vinny exclaimed, shoving more bacon into his mouth.
"This is heavenly food, man. 5 stars."

"Thank you so much! Have a good day, guys!" He then walked away.

As Vinny carried on eating, he noticed a slice of toast was missing. "Guys, have you pin- Val!"

"Wut," she said, smirking, with her mouth full of toast.

"You said you didn't want anything," Vinny said, sighing but smiling at her.

"Welcome to the life of dating, my friend! They say they aren't hungry, but steal your food anyway," Ryan chuckled, shaking Vinny's hand.

"Is that true?" Vinny asked, turning to Valerie, to which she nodded. "Hell yeah. Remeber that for the future."

"We should get going on the bus; we are meeting the new photographer at the next venue." Chris sighed, finishing the last of his coffee.

"You finished quite quickly, didn't you?" Valerie said to Vin as she rubbed his back.

"That's what she said!" Justin shouted, grabbing the attention of the others, making everyone sigh but laugh.

"If you get sick, just let me know, okay?" Valerie added as they left, and Vinny nodded.

▪️At the next Venue▪️

"Who would've known just falling asleep in a chair would result in being in so much agony?" Chris groaned, rubbing his back.

"That'll teach you to sleep in your bunk next time." Justin sighed

"Pft, like his bunk is any better. The man needs a whole personalised coffin to sleep." Vin laughed as everyone hopped off the bus.

"Woah, this place is way bigger than the last venue," Valerie said in awe.

"Let's go! We are pretty late; stupid traffic," Chris sighed, shaking his head.

"So what's on the agenda today, Chris?" Ryan asked, taking a bit out of an apple.

"Uh, we'll have some photos taken of us, and we'll have a sound check as usual. So we have a busy day."

"How is just that a busy day?" Valerie whispered into Vinny's ear as the group dispersed to get ready. They were going to meet back on stage in 10 minutes to get prepared.

"Oh, we basically get treated like kid dolls. They dress us up nice and pretty, put makeup on us, and then click, click, photographs!" Vinny replied as they walked the halls hand in hand.

They found their way to the wings and were just chilling there.
Valerie was on edge, though; she knew she needed to talk to Vinny.

And it was now, or maybe never.

"Vinny, I need to tell you something about North Caroli-"

"Vinny, come on! You too val, we are going to meet the new guy!" Ricky dashed over, grabbing the two's hands and dragging them to a confined area.

"Hi! I'm Jackson, your new photographer!"


A/N - how are you all? ❤️❤️ hope you enjoyed yet another filler chapter. Don't worry there is more to come, I just need to build it up if you know what I mean?

I know I need to write longer chapters I'm sorry xddd

if I wrote a Ricky Horror Olson fic in 2023 would you guys read it? 😭 sending love and hugs to you all❤️🖤❤️

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