Chapter 11

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Zhan was still on the floor. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. Because of the energy depletion, his body feels so weak. More than that, his heat was near. So his body was more than sensitive and fragile right now.

It's true that Zhan slapped Lusi but that is because that woman didn't hesitant to insult Zhan.


Zhan was caressing Yibo's white smooth cheek when a guard informed him about Lusi's attendance. This was first time Zhan was seeing Lusi. He really wanted to know about her as she was Yibo's beloved. More than that Zhan was curious about Yibo's taste as he was a dominant pure blood alpha. How can his taste be bad?

"Hi consort Lusi. It's nice to meet you!" Zhan greeted her politely with his usual smile despite the fact that his first impression of her was not so good. His gut told him she was up to no good.

Lusi glared at him and spat.
"What a plaything?" she hissed rudely.

Zhan's eyes widened

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Zhan's eyes widened.

"How dare you tried to seduce him so that you could be his empress. You're so desperate aren't you?" Zhan was perplexed by the insult and Lusi didn't hesitant to continue. She was the one who belonged here. She is the one who should be his empress. Not this fucking omega who destroyed her plans.

"Consort Lusi, I would appreciate it if you mind your tongue." Zhan said sternly. He wants to slap this bitch. But he was being patient because she is a woman and moreover, for the sake of Yibo. She is Yibo's beloved after all. More than that, he doesn't want to create trouble as soon as he visits Gusu kingdom as its Empress.

"Such a slut. Trying to show me who is the bitch. I'm his beloved but you're nothing. I don't know why Yibo involved in this situation because of you. You must be the one who seduced Xuan after all, and Yibo must have mistook it."

That's it, Zhan lost it. His entire being boiled in rage.


Lusi lost her balance with the unexpected slap and kissed the floor. Zhan was treated as the most precious Omega by everyone. Not because of his beauty and he is a royal omega but also because of his character and precious attitude. How dare such a mere Omega insult him like this. Do he need to be more patience with this two-faced bitch?

Lusi tightly held her cheek with widened eyes. Everyone knows she was Yibo's favourite and Yibo is madly in love with her. Yibo didn't hesitate to show his affection in public. So no one dare try to get on her nerves or bad side and provoke her. Everyone bow their heads to her like obedient dogs. That is not because she held so much power and respect but because of no one wants to enrage their future king Yibo. Because when it comes to his consort Yibo was so concerning. But Yibo didn't know Lusi was using this chance, always mistreat others and abuse power, trying to keep everyone under her toe. But there is something she can't change. Everyone was talking bad behind her back and disrespecting her when she is not around. But she don't mind it as long as everyone is afraid of her when she is around and as long as everyone was under her control. But near Yibo and Mother Queen she was playing such a innocent card. But of course the Queen's mother cannot be fooled.

But when Zhan arrived, everything changed. Zhan was gaining everyone's attention and respect without any effort. Everyone talks about their empress with so much respect and pride. Even Zhan's demonear was intimidating and reflecting so much power. His beauty was in another world. Zhan arrived at Gusu only before few days but the whole kingdom was in uproar and celebrating it. She hates it. She hate it to the core. So she wanted to show him who is the bitch here and show him his fucking place.

"What? Trying to show me my place? Consort Lusi did you just forget who is the Empress here." Zhan grabbed her jaw harshly who is still on the floor.

"You're Yibo's beloved and I'm nothing but look at you. Where you're." Zhan taps the floor near her with his foot to show her place.

"Don't you understand? You're already under my toe and you'll always be!" Zhan smirked sarcastically, crushing her pride badly.

"Try to mess with me again and I'll promise I'll forget you're Yibo's beloved." He said in dark voice, breathing deeply to calm his rage and retracted his hand from Lusi's jaw as if he just accidentally touched a piece of shit and went away.

Lusi who was still on the floor shivered madly from anger. So that's how it is. She never will be able to control the Empress. She wanted to murder him right away. But she wants to be patience to achieve her goals. But if she can't handle Zhan why don't do it using Yibo. She can easily manipulate him. After all she knew Zhan was already in love with Yibo. So won't it be the most painful thing for Zhan. A devil smile appeared on Lusi's face. Just you wait Zhan. I'll show you the living hell.

Back to the present

"Mama!" Zhan broke his trance upon hearing his son. Little Yuan ran to his mother as soon as he was done with practices and threw himself into his mother's embrace. Zhan who was feeling bitter after a few flashbacks of his bitter past, immediately felt so warm and comforting because of his little bundle who was wrapped around his embrace. Yuan kissed his cheek. Zhan smiled softly. His little sunshine is shining brightly everyday.

Zhan immediately hugged him back despite the fact his son was sweating profusely after his practice. Other parents also came to their children after practice session was over. Everyone bowed respectfully to Zhan and their little prince. Yuan was again praised by his master as he is improving fastly. Zhan was so proud of him. After having a quick chat with the master Zhan turned to Yuan's side only to see his son was looking at something with blank face. Zhan followed his gaze. Both father and mother of a child came to pick their son and his father was kissing his cheek and saying he did great. He even wiped his sweat on his face. His mother on the other hand smiled proudly patting his head. Anyone who is seeing this will coe at this beautiful family bond. The child looks so happy being praised and loved by his father. Zhan immediately looked at his son with clenching heart.

To be continued....

Sorry for the late update. I'm stuck with my final semester exams. I'll update again as soon as exam is over.

BTW Merry Christmas Sweethearts ❤️

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