Chapter 6

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Zhan opened his eyes only to see the white ceiling of the infirmary. He groaned as his whole body was aching.

"ZhanZhan you're awake?" Zhan heard his mother's voice.

"Mn. But everything hurts." He pouted. His mother chuckled.

"Then heal yourself first." She uttered and Zhan nodded as reply.

With the help of his mother Zhan sat down on the bed in lotus position. He relaxed, closed his eyes and concentrate on his spiritual energy. After five minutes an emerald color fiery light which was illuminated his body was disappeared. Zhan blinked his eyes open. His eyes returned back to his normal color from emerald.

He turned to his mother and noticed that she and Yubin looking at him in concern.

"I'm fine now." He gave his signature bunny smile to show that he was totally fine.

"By the way mom, why are you here? You should be at the festival." Zhan sighed. She was always worried about him for no reason.

"Your dad also here. He was dead worried. I send him away as at least he should be there."

"Now you can go mom. I'm perfectly fine. I'll be there in few minutes. Yubin is here so don't worry."

"Okay, then take care. You can rest few hours if you want." She uttered while patting his head. Zhan nodded and she left the infirmary advising Yubin to take care of him.

That was a good fight!" Yubin exclaimed as he sat beside the bed.

"Thanks" Zhan replied, recalling the previous match. It was an excellent match. Despite the fact that he lost.


"Guys did you see Yubin." Zhan inquired of a few children who were enjoying the feast. He was looking for Yubin in the dining area reserved for their kingdom. He never go anywhere without informing Zhan. Moreover, Yubin never leave his side when they are in this much crowd. Zhan could feel something is not right. He need to inform it to his mother and father but king and queen was in a serious meeting where all the leaders of every kingdom was gathered there in a political congress.

"No prince. We didn't see him in a while." They answered in unison. Zhan was about to leave but he felt someone was hanged in his hand. He turned only to see a small child hanging in his pinky finger. Zhan smiled softly.

"Prince don't go alone. If Yubin gege is not here I'll protect you." Five years child uttered cutely. Zhan cooed looking at him. Why he is so adorable?

"I'll be fine baby, I'll go and get Yubin gege." Zhan pinched his chubby cheek and patted his head. Zhan was well-known among children of his kingdom as he always have a soft side  for them. He never forget to spoil them whenever he get a chance. He always play with them, read stories for them, buy sweets for them.

Zhan met others on his way who were playing games.
" Hello, Lian. Did you happen to see Yubin?"
Zhan asked hopefully.

"Rose Prince, I saw him go that way." He pointed a way to the infirmary. Zhan's brows twiched.

"To the infirmary?"

"Yeah. He looks so sick. He was so red as if he was burning and he was clutching his abdomen tightly. I wandered what happened to him suddenly. Prince you even didn't knew?"

"No Lian. I'll check on him. Thanks by the way. Enjoy yourselves."

Zhan went to the infirmary only to find Yubin was locked in a soundproof and odor proof room. His pupils dilated. How the hell he triggered his rut suddenly? He was certain that Yubin had not forgotten the rut supplements. Something is deeply wrong and he still have this bad feeling.

He rushes out of the infirmary and heads straight for his parents. Without Yubin he didn't want to face any unnecessary situations. More than that, his parents think he was with Yubin right now, and Zhan was alone right now without any body guards.

"Hi beautiful!" But sudden voice he never wanted to heard again held his tracks.

"Get out of my way!" Zhan roared, gritting his teeth. He tightened his grip on his sword.

"Why so impatient baby rose?" Xuan smirked. Zhan was about to ignore him and walk away, but three of Xuan's subordinates blocked his path.

"You can't escape me now." Xuan walk towards Zhan where Zhan stepped back. But his back bumped into someone. All of them were Xuan's subordinates. Why the fuck there is nearly ten people? It's so obvious something is going to happen that is not so good. Zhan panicked but quickly regained control of his expressions.

"What a shame? An alpha came to get revenge on a tiny omega with so many helpers. Isn't it destroying your already shattered ego?"
Zhan spats, mocking him as anger swelling inside him.

"They won't disappoint when tasting the most beautiful omega in the land." Xuan declared and Zhan's whole being filled with utter terror. He knew this bastard was not joking and that his life really was in danger. Zhan gaze turned to see around, but cursed under his breath. Why the fuck this area is so isolated?

"Today you'll know your role as an omega to be beneath alphas, you'll know your fucking place!" Xuan stated, a smug grin plastered on his face and watched with satisfaction as Zhan beautiful eyes get darkened, anger, panic and hate swelling inside them.

"I dare you! Try lay your filthy finger on me, I'll separate your limbs." Zhan unsheathed his sword, pointing towards the alpha. He was in panic but still held his head up, pride and defiance swirling in his beautiful eyes.

"This is so boring! I don't want to fight cuz I'm so hungry right now." Xuan scanned Omega's beautifully shaped body with hungry eyes.

"Submit yourself without any drama, so it will be only me." Xuan gave him a offer earning a unhappy growl from other horny alphas surrounded Zhan. Zhan was having trouble breathing as he was so panic and feeling suffocated as the aroused pheromones releasing from other alphas.

"Prince you promised us!" One of a horny alpha tried to touch Zhan but before Zhan's sword reach to his throat, his head dropped to the ground, separating from his body.

"I'm the one who is going to devouring my meal first. If anyone dare to touch him before me you'll be dead." Xuan furiously shouted, eyes darkened in anger. Everyone bow their heads to show submission.

Zhan didn't wait any long and started to attack as others were distracted. Xuan chuckled and watched the seen as he was enjoying a drama. But in few minutes he became so impatient as seeing Zhan's body moves defending himself from other alphas, he was totally aroused.

"On you knees!" Xuan shouted impatiently using his alpha voice.

"Fuck!" Zhan cursed, trembling. His knees getting weak. Never in his life even his father used his alpha voice against him. Even though he has his capabilities, his physics is still an Omega who will go immediately weak and submit when someone using his alpha voice. Zhan instantly obeyed, his body moving his own, dropped on his knees, giving in under the pressure of Xuan's dominance.

"See that's easy." Xuan smirked.

"Come baby rose, let's enjoy the feast."

To be continued....

Ɱվ ටʍҽցą Ɛʍքɾҽʂʂ [YiZhan Fantacy AU ᶜᵒᵐᵖˡᵉᵗᵉᵈ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang