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Jungkook lay on Jimin's bed staring at the ceiling and tried to come to terms with the events and revelations of the night.

The more he tried to convince himself to be upset, the more his mind kept returning to the fact that he trusted Jimin and in fact, he never wanted to leave him.

Those thoughts coming just a week after meeting him and after having minimal although explosive contact should have been outrageous.

He kept struggling with these thoughts and arguing with himself, trying to make it all fit until finally things fell into place and his mind became clear.

The sun was rising and bathing the room in a warm, soft light.

The new day held a lot of significance for him.

Jungkook ran the palm of his hand over the swelling in his lower belly and concentrated on the being within.

He believed Jimin, he didn't know why he believed him but he did.

Jungkook experienced the sensation of life beneath his palm and it was heart rendering.

The idea of pregnancy and birth should be horrifying but instead, he found comfort knowing that he was carrying a being that would connect him and Jimin for all time.

Jimin spoke beautiful words of mates, love and eternity but the act of birthing a child bonded two people together in a way that little else could, be it for better or worse.

That bond can be love or hate or indifference, as was the case of his parents but with him and Jimin, it was love and respect and he was not too timid to admit that he'd fallen in love with Jimin that very first night.

The thought of having Jimin's child, raising them and loving them and teaching him every thing valuable in life was filling Jungkook's heart with joy and fulfillment.

He would give this child, their child the life he never had.

Jungkook laughed inwardly and sat up on the edge of the bed.

His life had been on one track since the beginning and his out look was simply tunnel vision until Jimin walked into his life and total chaos ensued.

He'd experienced little true happiness in life until Jimin opened his eyes to his love, acceptance and a whole new world.

Infact with the confusion, fear, anxiety and a host of other crazy reactions set aside, this new world or rather expanded world of his was fucking fantastic.

He walked over to the large windows and looked out on the expansive manicured garden and lawns.

The day was bright and filled him with optimism for their future.

Hopefully, there weren't any more shocks in store for him today.

He turned to the door when he heard a soft knock and beaconed whoever it was to enter, It was time to get this day started.


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