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With Joss's help, the job was moving along faster than he'd first thought.

They would finish tonight and put the finishing touches on tomorrow, Thursday.

It wouldn't be a full day and Jungkook was looking forward to getting home.

Motels were necessary but he didn't enjoy living out of one for too long.

In time he would stop taking jobs outside of B-city and just concentrate on the city proper.

This job was just to poke at his father and it was beginning to feel petty and unnecessary.

His work was far superior to most of the new bricklayers and Jiwoo had hired recently, so he really had nothing left to prove.

He bent to grab his trowel from the work surface where he'd placed it and the sudden nausea hit him once again.

He groaned and straightened slowly as the dizziness gradually subsided.

He didn't lose his lunch this time, which was an improvement but the sickness refused to let him go.

He glanced over at Joss and noticed that he was watching him closely.

"You've been having stomach issues for days now." He commented.

"It goes away by midafternoon."

"Not sure what it is."

"I'll get it checked when I go home tomorrow." Jungkook tried to blow it off.

Joss chuckled. "Sounds like morning sickness and looks like it too." Joss continued to laugh.

"If you were a lady, I'd suggest you take a pregnancy test."

"You are such a funny man." He answered sarcastically.

"Been with any potent males lately." Joss continued to tease.

"Not potent enough to impregnate but I had a hell of a good time with a one-night stand last weekend."

"Sparks were flying and the earth was definitely moving."

"Do you care to hear about it? I could go into detail if you like."he mocked good-naturedly.

"No, not necessary, let's just leave it at a good time."

"I don't want any guided imagery of your love life." They laughed and got back to work.

Jungkook talked lightly about his interaction last weekend but it was still tearing him up in reality.

There was just something about that tall, handsome Jimin with no last name that had him in knots.

He told himself repeatedly to forget it but as the days wore on, the desire did not wane.

He wanted Jimin now as much as he had wanted him the morning after.

He was looking forward to returning home not just for the familiarity and the comfort of home but also to hopefully find Jimin once again.

It may seem desperate but he needed to talk to the man and find out why he had just disappeared that night.

After all the kind words and promises, he just up and left.

It was unexpected on a night that there were no expectations and Jungkook could not let it go.

"Do you know any of the occupants at that place called the Lodge?"

Joss was from B-city so Jungkook thought perhaps he would have some useful information.

"It was quite the eyesore before that group of motorcycle enthusiasts bought the place and remodeled it and the grounds."

"They also built several cottages out back and put in a rather extensive garden."

"It was a surprise that such men would have the time or the desire to turn it into such a showpiece." Joss rambled on as he laid brick beside Jungkook.

"Who are they?" He pressed.

"I don't have direct knowledge but I heard that they deal in precious metals and gems."

"They're jewelers?"

"No they deal in the raw materials, not the end products."

"Do you know any of their names?"

Jungkook knew he was asking too many questions and Joss would get suspicious but he really wanted to know Jimin's last name.

"Why are you so interested?"Joss gave him a sideways glance.

Jungkook decided to come clean and explain. "The guy I told you about the one I was with last weekend lives there but I didn't get his last name."

"I was just curious."

Joss give him a suspicious look for a few more seconds before telling him what he knew.

"The family name is Kim and most of the guys who live there go by that name."

"Kim cal appears to be the leader of that bunch but there are also members or business associates that reside on the mountain."

"They built a huge compound up there and the business owns nearly the entire mountain from what I've heard."

Joss kept his eyes on Jungkook, watching his reactions.

"The group on the mountain goes by Park and the leader of those men is named park Dun."

"I don't know the dynamics of these groups or their affairs,
they keep their business and associates private." Joss finished and took a deep breath.

"I don't know the name of your man but if he lives there."

"His name is Jimin and I met him at bigo and now I can't get him out of my mind."

Jungkook shook his head, feeling just a little pathetic.

"Park Dun has four brothers that live on the mountain with him."

"Their names are Joon, Jai, Yoongi and Jimin."

"I think your man is park Jimin."

"I'm not planning on stalking him or anything."

"I just want to talk and see if maybe he's interested in more than just the one-night stand."

"I felt a connection with him and I haven't felt anything with anyone for years."

Jungkook felt he needed to explain himself but didn't want to go into it too deeply.

Joss didn't say anything for a few minutes and then he spoke clear and to the point.

"Be careful those men get around if you know what I mean."

"A few of them are in established relationships but a good share of them are single and very active in the bar scene."

"If you're looking for something long-term, I doubt park Jimin is your man." Joss warned.

"What do you know that you're being very careful not to tell me?" Jungkook could see in Joss's careful words and expression that there was more.

"My son works at the university and he has made comments on the fact that the men from the Lodge and the mountain get around a lot and that they are rarely seen with the same man or woman twice."

That was clearer and Jungkook appreciated his honesty but it wasn't the news he wanted to hear.

"So, you're telling me not to get my hopes up too high." Jungkook responded softly.

"I'm telling you to be careful."


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