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Jimin had a hard time concentrating on getting to the restaurant after Jungkook made his desires clear.

Jimin was joking when he commented and tested the waters but Jungkook was not playing around and Jimin loved that about him.

Jungkook was looking forward to the second half of this date just as much as he was and the longing was right there in his doe eyes.

They had things to discuss, a lot of things to discuss actually and then onto their future.

Maybe he was jumping the gun on this but his dragon was more than ready to move things along.

He was more agitated than usual this evening and kept trying to push forward and get close to Jeon Jungkook.

Jimin would actively have to keep him under control because shifting would definitely not help his cause this evening.

Shifting was for later but his dragon was trying.

Jimin didn't know if this was normal behavior for a dragon when being close to their mate or if his dragon was just being super annoying.

Jungkook's sweet scent and the sound of his voice were playing havoc with his control but he craved it at the same time.

"How long have you lived in B-city?" Jungkook asked, breaking the silence.

"Your accent tells me you were born elsewhere." He grinned and gave him his complete attention.

"I've lived here for around five years or so and I am originally from L-city, the L-land Islands to be specific."

"Cal and his people came first and set up the business here and then the rest of us came over a few at a time."

"Gradually transferring the business entirely to B-city." Jimin gave him his best 'you can trust me' smile.

"I liked it here when I arrived and even more so now that I've met you."

"That is sweet of you to say."

"I mean it."

"It must be nice working with family and friends that you love and trust." Jungkook was going somewhere with that and Jimin gave him the answer expected.

"Yes it is and I wouldn't want it any other way."

"My family is everything and my friends are loyal to the bone."

Jimin didn't go into too much
detail, curious where Jungkook was going to take this.

"I wish my father had felt the same but nothing really mattered to him, I'd like to say he was greedy or cared about the business image but he didn't."

"He only cared about himself and the personal balance sheet he kept in his head." Jungkook paused for a moment and Jimin did not comment because he knew there was more.

"He was into payback sometimes justified but usually not."

"At least not in the manner he went about it, He would obsess on the tiniest thing sometimes and not rest until he got revenge in some fashion."

"He passed me over for a promotion and gave it to a barely trained guy, simply to humiliate me in front of the crew."

"He didn't care that his business would most likely suffer because it was my suffering that mattered and nothing else."

Jungkook coughed nervously and reached over for Jimin's hand, a move he did not at all expect but was pleased beyond measure.

Jimin held his hand in a loving clasp.

"I warned someone that my father was after them, It had to do with city contracts and this guy was on the council."

"Dad found out he voted against him and it wore on he until he planned his special payback."

"Jiwoo still got the contract even without this guy's vote but he couldn't stand the thought that this man had voted against him."

Jungkook turned to look at Jimin.

They'd arrived at the restaurant and parked but Jimin made no move to leave the vehicle.

He wanted to hear the rest of this story.

"Jiwoo hired someone to follow this man and his wife looking for any tidbit of scandal that he could use to embarrass him."

"He found nothing and after my warning, the guy was extra careful and even made public statements about what Jiwoo was attempting."

"This guy couldn't prove anything but anyone who knew my father had no doubt that he did it."

Jungkook paused again, visibly having difficulty sharing this story.

Jimin held his hand tighter,letting him know that he was there.

"Jiwoo found out it was me who tipped him off, I don't know if the guy gave me up or if he just assumed it was me."

"He came to me one evening furious and accused me of trying to fuck up his life."

"I didn't lie and told him that it was me and then came the promotion or non-promotion as his retaliation."

"I quit rather than continue in that toxic environment and moved to B-city to start a new life and I found you."

Jungkook smiled through his hurt and Jimin raised Jungkook's hand and kissed the back.

"Jiwoo's loss is my gain and you did nothing wrong."

"Your father is a grade-A asshole and I'm glad you're free of him."

Jimin would pursue the subject further but once they were inside.

"Come on, let me buy you dinner and wow you with my charm."

"You have charm?" Jungkook teased as they exited the vehicle.

"Hey there, you're starting to sound like my brother."

"Not your brother, man."

"Definitely not my brother."

Jimin pulled Jungkook into his arms and kissed him like he was the most important person in the world because he was.

When he released him, the desire was once again shining bright.

"I could very easily love you."

Jimin made the statement but did not wait for a response.

He just wanted it out there for consideration.

Jimin turned him towards the door and they headed inside.

The host seated them at a table for two in a semi-private corner of the room.

Things were moving along nicely.

Jungkook had started to open up, the pull was doing its job and the night was off to a very productive start.


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