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Dinner was fantastic.

Everything he'd heard about the Blackfriar's was the truth and they ended with a nice wine and a rich dessert of chocolate and cherries.

"Did your father bother you while you were finishing that job in S-City ?" Jimin asked as they were finishing their wine.

"No oddly enough, he left me alone."

He answered and then added. "Although Joss, a friend who left Jeon design when I did and now helps me out from time to time."

"Called me this morning and told me that he'd heard that Jiwoo was gunning for me and to watch my back."

"Why is he gunning for you now."

"Is he still acting out over the guy's audacity to vote against him?" Jimin asked.

"His business is starting to fail and he thinks it's because of me"

"I've taken a couple jobs from him but not enough to cause him any real harm."

"He can't take responsibilityso it's easier to blame me."

"I don't want you to think that my life is all drama, normally it's not this crazy." Jungkook shrugged and finished his wine.

It was so easy talking to Jimin.

"I have a few things to share as well and my family is far from normal but we'll discuss that at another time."

Jimin winked and smiled like a man with an intriguing secret.

Jungkook hadn't talked this freely in a very long time.

Apart from Joss, he kept his words few and far between.

Trust wasn't something that came easy but Jimin was a different breed altogether.

There was something about him that made you believe and beckoned you to follow.

"I wanted to ask you if you would consider staying the night with me on the mountain."

"It's a big place and I have my own quarters,a very large space."

"You will have privacy but also it will allow me to show you my home and introduce you to my family."

"I want to show you off." Jimin again gave him a smile that melted every reserve and every fear.

Jungkook was touched by Jimin's request and desire for him to meet his family.

It was a big step considering they didn't know each other that well.

Then again, he was more comfortable with Jimin than he was with men he'd known for years, so did time really matter?

Time was not a predictor or a factor in a true and honest relationship.

"I would love to spend the night with you on the mountain."

They both stood up and he leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Jimin's lips.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening."

"Thank you for saying yes and giving me a second chance."

Jimin returned the soft kiss and then together, they left the restaurant.

Jungkook noticed that Jimin held his hand throughout the walk to his vehicle and opened his door for him.

The man was not afraid of public displays of affection which was nice.

Once they were both seated and on their way, Jungkook's phone rang. "Do you mind?" He asked, not sure if answering would be considered rude.

"No, go ahead," jimin responded and Jungkook opened the call.

"Sorry to bother you but I was just informed that there was a break-in at Jeons Designs last night and they did quite a bit of damage." Joss informed.

"Jiwoo had it coming and I spare him no sympathy but it worries me that he will probably try to take it out on you."

"He's not rational and right now, his sights are set on you."

"Wow,someone was sure gutsy."

"Maybe he'll just focus on his own problems and leave me alone now." Jungkook suggested.

"Maybe but you need to be extra vigilant right now and watch your back,Lock up your place and take a vacation for a few days until he finds a new target." Joss advised.

But it seemed a little extreme to Jungkook.

"I'll think about it." Jungkook told him.

There was a long silence before Joss spoke again.

"Okay but you know him better than I."

"So don't take this too lightly."

"I won't and thanks for the heads up." Jungkook closed the call and sat thinking for a few moments before turning to Jimin.

"Would you mind stopping at my place before we head to the mountain? I'd like to make sure everything is locked up tight."

Joss's warnings were starting to really get him on edge.

"Sure no problem."

Jimin told him immediately and turned on the next cross street and drove in the direction of Jungkook's home.

"I overheard some of that conversation." Jimin told him.

"Are you in danger?"

"I don't know."

"But he's unpredictable and I'd like to make sure my place is locked up." Jungkook tried to sound as casual as possible under the circumstances.

He didn't want to bring all his family drama to their first real night together.

Most of all, he didn't want to scare him off.

"Makes sense but if you're worried about your place, why don't we stay there tonight and then we can go to the mountain in the morning."

Jungkook was touched by his concern and willingness to put himself in the middle of all this.

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all, I'm happy as long as you're with me."

"I don't care where we go." Jimin smiled and squeezed Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook felt a flutter in his stomach, it was something that was happening with regularity when in Jimin's presence.

Jimin parked on the street and kept his hand on the small of Jungkook's back as they approached the front door.

This feeling of being cared for was something he could get used to. "I bought new locks and a couple of cameras."

Jungkook told him after the door was closed and locked and they were standing together in the living room.

"I installed one camera on the side of the house and it gives a good view of the drive and the garage." He took a moment and brought the video up on his phone.


MY LIMIT IS YOU  || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now