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Jungkook woke up and checked his watch, registering that it was half-past three in the morning.

He looked around and quickly noticed that the bed was empty and the sheets were cold.

Jimin had been gone for a while.

He sat up and looked around and listened, wondering if he were in the house or if he'd left.

There was only darkness and silence so he slid out of bed and grabbed his clothing from the floor.

He did not think about the things that had happened or the words that had been said.

There would be time to dissect this night later.

For now, he just wanted to leave.

The message was clear that he needed to vacate the premises before Jimin returned.

Perhaps he was out looking for another hook-up.

That thought was hurtful in the extreme but Jungkook pushed it aside and continued throwing on his clothes.

In less than five minutes, he was dressed and heading out the door, making sure to lock it as he left.

The darkness was heavy but there were enough garden lights for him to find his way to the front of the property and to the main road.

Once there, he called for a cab and started walking.

Although he'd tried so hard not to take Jimin seriously, the encounter left a definite mark on his emotions.

He wanted to be far enough away so as to not encounter Jimin on his return.

The idea of him being with someone else on the heels of what they'd just experienced together was too much to suffer.

That would be too awkward, upsetting and plain awful.

The cab was waiting for him at the convenience store on the corner of Main, a few blocks from the now-infamous Lodge.

He would probably never look at that looming structure the same again but time heals all wounds hopefully. His bruised ego and crushed heart would survive.

It was only one night, one time, one man and he would forget.

They would both forget.

He checked his phone once he was seated in the cab and they were pulling away.

There was a text from Joss that had come in some hours ago, He pulled it up and quickly read it.

"The job in S-city came through and you can check it out, I'll meet you there on Monday to give you a hand."

"Let me know and I'll have everything arranged." It was exactly what he needed right now.

Jungkook shot a text back accepting and letting him know he'd be heading out and would be expecting him on Monday.

God was taking pity on him and giving him an escape.

It was cowardly but he preferred to be elsewhere while he struggled to get this sudden infatuation under control.

This wasn't like him to get attached and certainly not after a couple hours and one fuck.

This was hard to process and until he did, it was better not to chance a run-in with Jimin.

Hell, he didn't even know the guy's last name and here he was pinning for him like a lovesick puppy.

Jungkook was brought out of his painful musings when the cab pulled up to the small house he was renting.

He paid the man and got out.

Standing in the dark and staring at the sky, he thought about this night and decided to keep the good memories and discard the unpleasant ones.

Jimin had been a truly masterful lover and Jungkook felt fortunate for having spent some time in the man's arms.

This was the downside of hookup but it was a downside that he'd not until now ever experienced.

Time and distance would be the cure and the job in S-city was just what the doctor ordered.

After a quick shower and packing his truck with everything he'd need, Jungkook decided to leave for S-city.

Leaving now would give him time to get a motel room and get settled before meeting with the client and it would also get him out of town immediately.

He could be honest with himself but he'd never admit it to anyone else, Time to go.


MY LIMIT IS YOU  || JIKOOK ✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora