After Christmas Break

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Wilhelm : 

Christmas break was awful. It was depressing honestly. And I wad so alone. I thought about Simon the whole break and without Erik it was like hell.

Tomorrows the day I go back to Hillerska. Im nervous as f to see Simon again but at the same time Im really excited. Maybe he'll forgives me and we'll get back together.

Simon :

Christmas went fast. I've spend a lot of time with Sara and my mom actually. Im honestly kinda scared to go back to Hillerska. I have to face Wilhelm again and Im really stressful about it. Last time I've talked to him was before Xmas break. He told me he loved me. I've been thinking about that the whole break. Im actually pretty mad at him for lying for the press but I miss him. I really do. Even tho it's been good having a little break.. from everything.

* Netx morning*

Wilhelm :

I woke up, packed rest of my stuff, ate breakfast and now Malin is driving me back to Hillerska. I've panicked whole morning but I know I have to do this at some point. I have to talk to Simon again soon. But what if he doesn't like me anymore? What if he hates me? What if he doesn't wanna see me anymore? Never.

My breathing is getting faster and faster when I think all those things. Maybe he doesn't even wanna have anything to do with me.. He has probably just got a new boyfriend and has forget about me.. All those things we did, we were so happy.. I was so happy.  I don't think I've ever been so happy, but with him..

Malin: "Helloo? Prince Wilhelm are you okay?"

I snap out of my thoughts, I feel my eyes watering and then I look at Malin, she looks worried and asks me again "Are you okay?". "Yes yes, im fine.. " I say and get up of the car seeing principal already waving at me. Malin and some other bodyguards take my luggage and I go greeting everyone. After that I js got settled down on my dorm and start unpacking my stuff. Mostly just clothes cuz Im pretty tired and just want to spend time with my friends since about an hour there will be this thing at the church where everyone will be welcoming back and then there will be some information about something and so on.

Simon :

Im at bus with Sara and she's talking non stop about how excited she is now when we got our own dorms at Hillerska. Im happy too that we got to live there, but it was because of August and if that means that I have to be nice to him or smth like that; its not gonna happen.

And I don't even know if I'll get roommate or not. As long as it isn't Wille it's okay.. I guess. I don't know how to act around him anymore. I don't even know if I want to talk to him at all. Of course I have to talk to him at some point but until then, it's probably the best if I'll just ignore him. It's gonna be too awkward otherwise. I don't know what I could even say to him.

I get out of the bus and find my dorm. I step in and notice that Im not alone. There is this boy. He has brown curly hair, brown eyes, hes tall and looks pretty strong. "hi" I say. "Oh hey, you must be my new roommate. I'm Marcus" he says.

"yes hi. Umm I'm Simon" I say awkwardly and offer my hand to shake hands. "Nice to meet you Simon" Marcus says and we shake hands.

We talked for a while and he seemed nice and really friendly. Someone knocked at our door and it was my choir teacher telling that I have to get ready for the choir. "You sing?" Marcus asks. "Yeah." I answer. "That's so cool!"

Wilhelm : 

Now we're all sitting in the church listening the choir singing. The whole time they sing, I looked at Simon and only Simon. I saw that he looks pretty uncomfortable and he won't even look at me. It's like hes ignoring me. Then there is this feeling again. The same feeling I've felt the whole break. The same feeling I felt when Simon broke up with me. I felt like I was going to throw up. Gosh no this again..

The song ended and the principal started to tell about something Hillerska's anniversary. After all of that, everyone left since it was free time. I saw Simon collecting and cleaning up something on the stage. There was no one else than us two so I decided get up and talk to him. 


My teacher told me to clean up all the stuff on the stage since I was pretty late so it was kind of like my "punishment".

I saw how everyone left but then there was one person who didn't. Wilhelm. He stared at the floor and I just stared at him. Then I remember what I promised to myself, "ignore him". I felt bad but I think that it is the best for both of us.

I continued cleaning until I hear quiet "hi" behind me. I turn around and see Wille standing awkwardly hands behind his back. "Hi.." I say. God I miss him. God how much I actually did miss him. I didn't think it would hurt this much..

"Umm.. you- you were awesome." Wille muttered.

"What?" I ask confused, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You, singing there.." he say. "Oh yeah.. thanks." He smiles to me, just a tiny smile but it's still a smile. I smile back quickly and continue cleaning without saying another word.

"I uhh.. Im-" Wille starts until someone stepped in. It was Marcus. "Hiii!! OMG you were so good!" Marcus says and hugs me. I hug him back slightly. "Thank you." I say and smile.

I look back at Wille who was now looking really disappointed almost like he was about to cry. "Hi, Im Marcus, Simons roommate." Marcus says with a slight smile.

"uhmm hi.. I'm Wilhelm.." He says. I look at Wille and he only looks at me and says "I uhh I should go.."

"oh okay.." I answer. Wilhelm leaves and now there's only me and Marcus. Big wave of guilt runs over me. What's wrong with me..

"We should celebrate this somehow!" Marcus proposed. "No thanks Im kinda tired actually, I just want to sleep" I said. "Okay then." He say and pats me on my back before leaving and he js left me alone in the church standing on the stage.

Wilhelm : 

I leave and run to my dorm. I close the door and I look at myself on the mirror. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck of course he has a roommate. He probably likes him.. Maybe I should just forget him. Move on. I close my eyes and a tear fall down on my cheek. Shit. Why am I like this? And why the fuck does it hurt so much? I'm such a mess. I change my clothes and decided to go to sleep.

This is the first chapter, 1243 words!! Im kinda excited to write this. I know there's probably like a hundred mistakes but whateverr. And this was actually really fun to write and I hope you like it :D

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