Chapter 9

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"FOR QUARTZ!" everyone yelled i looked around and the wizard Newo and Beloc walked with us. My fathers wizard Fryo and his daughter made a portal to Girhi they walked in then we continued on our trip. We arrived home the kingdom of the south my skin felt the warm rays, my tail is a mix of a scorpion and a snake. My mom slithered over to us my dad expecting to get a hug and she passed, my brother thinking that he would get it, wrong again and she hugged me and my dad looked mad at me.

My mother said to avoid me getting yelled at "Anyway let's rest and then we can train some more." I nodded in agreement.

It has been a few days of training and we head to Girhi we went to there king Geodi welcomed us and we went to a war room. A few minutes later the wizard Newo and his brother Beloc came in and they had water they passed it along. "So how are we going to save her?" I asked Newo, "I'll go look for her, does anyone want to join?". Me and the prince of snow chester said at the same time "I will go to." my dad glared at me. Newo said some other things, then we started to get ready we headed out. We chatted, ate, walked some more then went to bed, this was repeated several times.

Newo asked me "why did you want to help?" I looked at him sad and said "I like to help the ones that can't help themselves. My brother and dad call me weak for it, my mom says I'm strong for it." They looked at me. Newo said "You are stronger than both of them.". I smiled then a cat appeared and Newo said some things to the cat and the cat walked away and Newo told us to follow him, "Why are we following a cat?". He looked at me and said "That's Quartz's cat Obsidian." I looked at him then the cat and we saw a gate. The cat jumped over it and there was Quartz laying under a tree.

The cat bit her and when she woke up, she looked over to us and said "Go ask the lady if you have seen me, okay? We nodded and knocked on the door.

"Ow that stings I can heal on my own." I was mad when my friend Newo told me "It will help you heal faster." He looked at me and the kid with a scorpion and snake-like tail said "Allow me to introduce myself. I am prince JD of the southern kingdom.". I looked at him and said "Hello I am Princess Quartz of Girhi, pleased to meet you. Also no need to be so formal." he looked at me and nodded Tub said "We should get going now." we all nodded and we started to walk.

While we were sleeping a loud boom came from out farther into the mushroom forest. Everyone jumped up and we got out of the shelter, we saw people that had their faces covered up and one of them said "Hey what are you doing here this is our land." I looked at them, isn't this Girhin land? Do they not realize that I asked "Is this not the land of Girhi, cause the borders say otherwise.".

They looked at me and shot an arrow at Newo and JD then what looked like the leader came up and said "Who are you? You don't look Girhin. Tell me what's your name?". I looked at him and said "I am Quartz. I grew up here and you should not be here. I know the king and princess very well." The group of people looked at me and one of them said "She is the princess! She has wings of gold." The leader looked at me and then the group and said "Get her and her friends take them to camp and keep them there.".

The people grabbed me and my friends. They dragged us out of Girhi to a cave and it became bigger than it looks. I looked around, it had glowing vines and an interesting berry on it. It was colder in the cave, somehow Obsidian meowed and I gave her some food. We entered a large cavern and it had crystals all over. My friends looked shocked at this, "Can I get an answer on why we are here?" asked tub. "Well you're here cause you are here with her." they said pointing at me. I stared confused at them.

In Girhi the kings are worried about the fore travelers, that's when they get a letter that Newo sent and they read it. It looked as if the writing had ended early and it said they had Quartz but people came and took them somewhere.

I asked "Are we in the caverns of knowledge? The crystals are showing some of the past." the leader looked at me and said "Yes. but the past is not what it seems take a look." I looked deeper into the crystal and saw my mother doing something. It looked like she had a weapon and my grandfather was eating. I asked concerningly "What is she doing? She's going to hurt him." The person walked up to me and I could hear a voice of a man, "Look again there's a reason your father pushed her in." I looked again and my mother brought the knife out and stabbed him.

My friends looked as well and they were shocked. I started to cry, and Newo hugged me "My father was executed for no reason then." my friends looked at me and JD said "Your step-father said he was executed, he might have said that so you wouldn't try to follow him." I looked at him and hugged him "Well guess my secrets out." The man said as we looked at him.

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedWhere stories live. Discover now