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In a world less advanced than ours there was a kingdom called Girhi. The kingdom was in a cavern deep in the earth, it looked like a fiery hellscape. The people that lived there adapted to the surroundings. The Girhi people's skin is a darker pink color and the eyes were amber with gold irises. The way they looked was that they had tails with fluff at the end, ears that were floppy and on top, but rarely that they got two pairs of ears, one pair is pointy where ears normally are and the other is normally floppy, the men had tusks.

The people all lived peacefully until one day a portal opened up and men with colorful robes came through the portal, they called themselves the wizards of the south. They introduced them to their language and culture. One day while the people were learning the language of the wizards a child walked in one of the portals and got teleported to a place that had a blue sky and white ash clouds. She thought this was amazing and beautiful. She thought to herself "What's that small tree, a weird mushroom?" as she looked at a flower.

Just then an animal with black fur, pointy ears and a tail walked close to her and made a weird vibration noise. She picked them up and said "I'll call you Obsidian." Obsidian meowed happily, just then she started to look in another direction and hissed in the direction of the trees, "What's wrong?" she asked the feline as a tall man with pale skin walking through the forest. As she looked there a man came through the trees with a white and blue cloak, black pants and a white button up. He then asked "Hello are you lost,do you need help?". . . . . .

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt