Chapter 12

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Is there going to be war? I looked at Milin and asked "Will there be war?" he and Rose looked at me and he said "Helans no, the time will come when needed.". He looked like a wise man. We will wait until the time is right. Then a guard walks in and says "We have gotten another letter from the group of travelers." We looked at him and handed it to Milin. He smiled and said "They are coming back, they escaped." I smiled. I finally got to see big sister Quartz.

It has been a few days since we got the letter that they should arrive anytime. I walked to the front of the gate and I saw a bright light and then Quartz I yelled "BIG SISTER QUARTZ YOUR HERE! IS THAT A CHILD?!'' There was a small child in her arms. They were small and they had wings with sapphire like ends. She responded with "Hey little sheep, I want to introduce you to Nerwon, he is kinda my kid now. His mother left him and we found him." the baby grabbed my ear and he giggled. A shocked face came on Rose and she grabbed me and Quartz looked shocked "You are Geodi's daughter Rose right?" Rose nodded.

Then Quartz hugged Milin and said "I missed you uncle, how is Devon?" he hugged back then said "Yeah he was worried about you, how is Obsidian?" she gave a nod. We headed inside and a few maids went to Quartz and started to babble to her. I heard things like 'are you okay?' or 'are you sure' then I finally heard "OH MY LORDS, IS THAT A WOUND!" she pointed at a bandage at her side. The maids rushed her to a room and tried to take her baby, the child started to cry. She for the first time I have ever heard her yell "DON'T TOUCH MY CHILD!" her tail went full on sharp and her hair raised. By the look of the maids this is the first time she has yelled. She took her kid and started to sing a song, it was very soft and sweet. Nerwon fell asleep when she finished.

Her singing was beautiful. I forgot that the lullaby was so relaxing. I followed her then she asked "Would you like to hold him? He seemed to like you." I nodded and she showed me how to hold him and I felt calm. The atmosphere is relaxed since Quartz is not mad anymore. I felt as if sister Quartz was my mother that I never met. As we walked to the throne room I heard arguing it sounded like Milin and Geodi "She is old enough to take the throne." then "But Rose deserves the throne, not that freak of nature." Quartz looked upset. Then we heard "Quartz is a god and the heir. your cominting a war crime, just let her rule now." she asked me "May I have my kid." I handed him to her and we walked in.

Big sis Quartz said "Can we get a say in this general Geodi." some of the people gasped. She then said something that shocked everyone "Me and my friends have been to the crystals of wisdom. I have seen the truth, and what I saw disgusted me." She then went on about how the crystals showed them how my father paid a wizard to open a portal, and said finally "Geodi I hereby banish you to the land of Basily. If you are ever seen on this land again you will be killed on sight, NOW GO!" The man's crown vanished and he disappeared. Then a man came in and said "Congratulations lord Quarts of Girhi you have earned your title." 

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedWhere stories live. Discover now