Chapter 5

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Everyone stopped in their tracks. My dad looked angry. King Goedi was surprised "Why would you need venom when you have strength and kindness, my step-daughter is a kind girl that speaks the wisdom of 4 wise men and is stronger than blade." Everyone looked at the kind king as a Girhin knight said "B-blade your strongest warrior that retired." some of his guards agreed. It was silent how a girl could be that strong women need to be protected in our kingdom, they are fragile, then I remembered gender doesn't matter in his kingdom. "So what is she like?" my younger brother JD asked, "She is a kind soul, brave as well." I was mad that he asked that. We were at the Snow chester walls and a knight came up and asked "what's your business here." King Goedi said "I came here looking for my only child. We heard she was here."

The kingdom was large and we were getting a lot of weird stares, so we arrived at the castle's gates. When we entered we heard a lot of whispers, then I sensed someone was crying, and a guard walked in the room ahead and said "king Obut the king of the south and someone else are here to talk to you." we entered and a girl holding a ten year old and walking with the prince, was that princess Quartz she looked even more beautiful than the painting. She said "What?".

"DAD!!" she yelled as she put down the other girl, she ran up and gave him a hug. She then went to a couple of young wizards and continued to talk. The old king smiled as he said "Guess she was too curious and found a gateway, I see you found your old friends. Right Quartz?" she nodded and said "I've made three more as well, this is Beloc and Newo, then my closest of friends, little sheep, tub, and obsidian." a cat was on her head as she gestured to the people she named.

The cat meowed happily then made eye contact with the king and jumped off the princess, then a demon flew in. Everyone was surprised, the demonic figure said "Well hello there, mortals and others, this girl is more powerful than you think, so i'm taking her to my kingdom where she'll be kept for reasons." Princess Quartz yelled "DAD!", then the room went bright, and they disappeared.

"Lets catch up it has been nine years" we started to walk away he asked "How did your mother die?. . . H-hey I didn't mean to make you upset!" I looked down and said "She was pushed into lava by my dad, he got executed." He patted my back and said "let's head back, we probably need to explain how we know each other a bit more." Obsidian jumped on my head as we left. I felt like we were being watched.

We explained how we knew each other and Obsidian jumped off my head as he meowed. A creature then flew in and everyone stared as he grabbed me and said, "Well hello there mortals and others, this girl is more powerful than you think. So I'm taking her to my kingdom where she'll be kept for reasons." I screamed "DAD!" it went black.

It went bright then I gained my vision and the environment looked more hellish then Girhi, "Where am I?" I asked. "You're in basilei, now follow me." answered the demon as he walked, I followed since he had cuffs on me. He started to fly so I stretched my wings and followed him. It has been awhile since I have flown.

We landed in a courtyard and the demon walked me to a room and put cuffs on my wings, "You're going to stay here, i'll be outside if you need me" he said as he walked out, I asked him "Wait can i get your name really quick? My name is Quartz if you don't know." I smiled, then he said "My name is Devon" as he walked out.

As I looked out the window I somehow felt comfortable for once and relaxed, I found the fire crackling and the lava bubbling very relaxing. "Hey I brought food you haven't eaten since the morning. Devon told me to bring food for you." she gave me a plate of food, I said " Tell Devon i said thanks." Then I started to eat the food, it was good.

A few hours later Devon came in then said "Comon lets see what you can do." We went outside and he took the cuffs off and said "I trust you won't fly off. Now let's see what you can do Quartz.",I nodded yes. And I picked up my staff and said "I never really learned that many spells, I started yesterday." he sighed and said "Okay show me what you can do, then I can show you some more.". I did a couple of spells, they were basics, he said "Okay let's teach you some more.".

Over the next few days Devon taught me some more things. After a while he took the cuffs off and did not put them back on. He was frustrated about how I did not use spells that could kill one so he asked, "Why don't you use the spells for death? You're not being held back." I shuddered at the word kill. "You know killing is not the answer most of the time, and also I could stab them with my tail, it's sharper than you think." he looked surprised. I saw obsidian and picked him up and walked to my room. I don't like death unless they deserve it.

I fell asleep hanging upside down I woke up in a void, it was blank I screamed for help. I saw my mother ahead of me. I yelled, "MOM!" she looked at me and disappeared. Then it went dark and I heard some people talking 'He can never come back here!' and heard crying 'when will dad come back?' and then 'good job you found her' it suddenly stopped and heard someone yelling it got louder "-uartz......Quartz!....QUARTZ!......PRINCESS QUARTZ!". I woke up with tears on my face. Devon looked worried as he said "You were having a nightmare. Are you okay?" I was confused. Was it all a dream? It felt so real. . . . . . .

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedWhere stories live. Discover now