Chapter 8

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We walked into what seemed like a war room. We brought water in case we needed it and three kings looked as we entered. King Nightmare said "Okay let's start this meeting." it looked like the princes were here as well and prince Nightmare asked "So how should we get her back?" the old king looked at him and said "We need someone that can survive heat hotter than this kingdom.".

I looked at my brother and said "I can use the spell frostbite on myself and go." everyone looked at me, king Obut said "Why, Are you that close to her?" I nodded then prince Obut and JD said at the same time "I'll come to you need more than one person to help." King Nightmare looked mad and I said quickly "Yes you can come along it will be better like this. Beloc you can stay here and make sure everyone has water when they need it." Beloc nodded and we started to prepare. It was a few days trip and we started off.

We were walking around on a trail and it started to get hotter so I used frostbite on us JD said he's fine so we continued. We made a stop in the night so we can rest. When we woke up we ate and continued "So why do you want to help JD?" JD looked at me and said "I like to help the ones that can't help themselves. My brother and dad call me weak for it, my mom says i'm strong for it." me and prince Obut looked at him Obut said "You are stronger them by a lot so don't say that." JD smiled.

Just as he said that the cat Obsidian appeared and jumped on me "OBSIDIAN!! N-never mind that where's Quartz?" The two looked at me as if I was crazy. I motioned to them to follow me and they did. There was a small house with a large tree in the back and the cat jumped on the fence and we looked over. We saw Quartz asleep on the roots. Obsidian walked towards her and bit her ear she shot up and looked over "Newo! Tub you here! Go to the front and ask the lady if she has seen me."

We walked to the front and knocked on the door, an old lady answered the door and I asked "Have you seen a girl with wings, a tail, two pairs of ears and a cat around ma'am?" she looked at me and said "Why, she is a friend of yours?" as she asked Quartz walked up to the door and said "Newo, Tub have you been looking for me?".

I nodded and the lady looked at me and said "If I let her go will you take care of her nasty wound?" I answered "Yes, now can we bring her home to her father?" She looked at me and said "Fine. Come and visit again sometime." Quartz nodded and we walked away.

When we walked away I asked "Can you show us what she meant by nasty wounds?" Quartz looked at me and said "Well a knight from a random kingdom tried to kidnap me and let's say my tail sliced me." me and JD looked at her as she pulled up her shirt a bit and we saw bandages. She took some off and we saw a big gash on her stomach. I used my healing magic and it healed a bit so I grabbed some antibiotics and laid her on her back and started to put it on. "Ow that stings. I can heal without that you know." I looked at her and said "It will help it heal faster now let's go back to Girhi.".

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedWhere stories live. Discover now