Chapter 4

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"Are you sure? We have a good bit so let's start." Newo said, we ate and headed out. A few minutes later we arrived there, "Beloc, Quartz stay close, they got eyes for strong kids.". I clung to Quartz and said "I'm weak aren't I." she picked me up like I was nothing and said "You are not weak for being scared, admitting you have weakness is what makes you strong. I mean i never used magic yet i was stronger then my kingdom's strongest night, also remember gender doesn't matter with strength." We both smiled.

We came into the throne room, "so who may you be? I've never seen you here before." asked king Obut, his horns were sheep-like. Quartz walked up, took off her cloak, bowed and said "Hello king of Snow chester, I am princess Quartz from Girhi." Obut looked intrigued, "Can you show proof I mean the wings is a royal Girhin mutation but what about the other feachers, let me see if you are lying.".

He called the wizard of truth, he walked to Quartz to see if she was, and she was not lying. She then put her crown on and the king seemed intrigued by it, "Pardon me but what's that metal? I have never seen it before." he asked. "Oh it's yvi, when girhi were multiple kingdoms there were wars over this stone because of its healing properties." she answered, everyone looked at her even my brother seemed surprised "there were wars over it?" asked the king. Quartz said "My father found it and made my crown with it for 'keeping the last pure royal' safe' and then I went to explore and that's where I met Obsidian and Newo found me.".

"You and your companions can stay princess Quartz." king Obut told Quartz, then princess Michel, and prince Obut the second came from a hallway. "Father who is this, Is she a princess as well" asked princess Michel, "I am princess Quartz from Girh- is that you tub?". Everyone looked at Quartz and Obut, "Quartz what happened? I haven't seen you in nine years, what happened?" Prince Obut asked, Quartz ran then hugged him then said "My mother died and my step-father said no more going to our meeting place.".

The prince looked shocked that she hugged him and said "That's why I saw a message with the quartz?" Quartz nodded and Obut started to cry. She picked him up and said, "Let it all out, I'm here now. " he started to cry more as she comforted him. Princess Quartz is a very strong kid even if she looks scrawny. Quartz then looked at michel "Oh tub, is this little sheep? She has grown a lot since I last saw her." he answered, "Yes she is, her real name is michel."

"Now let's catch up with you two, it has been nine years." said Quartz as she picked up michel. They were laughing as they walked off, as they walked of everyone was confused i heard things like "that's where they went off to when they were younger" and "why did he not tell", then a knight ran up to the king and said "The king of the south is here with his sons and another ruler of some sort!" Quartz walked in as he said this and she said "What?". . . . . .

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedWhere stories live. Discover now