Chapter 13

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A man came in and said "You have earned your title." and little sheep gave me my crown. I said "Thank you. Now I must go get my father." I opened a portal to the cave and my father followed me. I made an announcement "I will introduce you to the true king, my father." everyone clapped and my father said "Yes I am now Quartz would you like to travel and find the one right for you, or stay here and royals come here?" I looked at him and said "I would like to travel. I don't want to raise my child here, I want him to see the world. So I will find the right one out there.".

My father looked at me and my child and said "That's alright now would you like your friends to come as well?" he was asking my group and they nodded then little sheep said "Can I come as well?" I looked at her and said "Your kingdom needs someone strong to lead their kingdom, Tub will it be alright if you stay your sister really wants to come along." Tub nodded and little sheep was happy. I looked around at my friends and family and then I remembered "Beloc you can join as well." he smiled and my father announced "Let's get a coronation started for your kid, so he can be a true prince of this land.". I smiled and nodded. My child was still asleep and we waited.

It was a few days and everything went back to normal. Milin had to go back to get Devon and my kid was still happy. In a few hours he would be a prince of this land, he was starting to crawl around. He is a fast learner too. He could put together words that were helpful. His wings are getting bigger as well. The coronation happened and Nerwon had a crown, he tried chewing it. I giggled and told him "No, don't eat that you wear it." and I put on his head.

We started to head out and we headed to the kingdom of the west, Dungonberg. We opened a portal to the overworld and headed west. JD asked "So what do you'll think well find there?" I looked at him and said "Wherever mother Helin will guide us." they looked at me and Beloc asked "Is that the one god that you're people believe in? Because our people believe in more than one god." I looked at him and said "She is the mother to all gods. She raised the ground. Some say she is a myth but some say she will come back to this land and rule with her friends." They looked at me and Nerwon started to cry. He calmed down and pulled him closer and I felt a presence that was powerful. I covered my kid and I crouched low and my friends started to get defensive.

A man came out and said "Waoh waoh I mean no harm I just wanted to escort you to a safer path." I started to calm a bit but still kept my child close I whispered to my friends "I don't trust him but his arora seems friendly stay close and cover Nerwon." they nodded and we followed him. "So where you going?" he asked, tub answered with "To Dungon berg, if you know the trail better." the man responded "Wow that is very interesting you going to speak to the lord and the prince?" I nodded. We arrived at a gate, "So this is it?" I asked, the man nodded then we headed in. . . . . . . . . .

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin