Chapter 3

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Newo looked at me surprised. "Do you not know what magic is?" He asked nicely and I responded with "No we never used it, we only used our own will power to survive that's why we have these features." as I pointed to my tail, tusks, thick skin and wings. He asked "Would you like me to show you how to use magic?" I smiled and nodded yes.

"Okay so grab a tall stick and make a magical stone to put in it alright." Newo was showing me how to use magic. I thought to myself "what if i use my crown stone" as i took off my crown and took a bit of the precious stone and placed it in some lapis and quartz. I asked "Is this good?" as I showed the magical stone I made. "Yes, how did you make it?" he asked curiously, I answered "I got some of the yvi from my crown, some lapis and quartz.".

"What's yvi?" Newo asked while holding the stone I made, "It's a stone only found in Girhi, only the royal family can handle the plain stone by itself.". Newo looked at me and smiled. "Okay let's head inside now we will do more tomorrow, but let's rest." We headed to his house. Obsidian seemed to be hungry so I gave him some dried fish and freshwater.

As i woke up a young kid around 12 was in my face and yelled "BROTHER SHE IS AWAKE!!!" Newo came in and said, "Don't yell, she has two pairs of ears. Sorry Quartz my brother he's 13 he can be very loud." I can hear the sorry in his voice. I responded with "It's fine, young kids can be loud." Then I patted his hair. It looked like gold and was fluffy, "Why is his hair golden, and what's his name?". "Oh my name is Bolec, my brother is 17, and my hair color is blond not gold." The young boy doesn't seem to know my situation. Newo shoots him a glare then smiles and says "let's practice some magic, and teach you some more Quartz."

I was waving my staff in a way of a v then n and it started to glow, "I did it!" I jumped up multiple times and I started to flap my wings. Beloc asked "Woah you can fly, how can you not know magic!", I responded with "I was born with them along with my other animal parts my people are born with. . . besides the gold on my wings." I looked down, sad. "Are you saying you are a royal!" Bolec almost yelled, I nodded yes. "Question what is age?". They looked at me and questioned "How do you not know your age?", I started to explain "Well my people like to go by size, height and how far down what you call puberty." As I said they looked at me curiously, "And by how you fit that I guess i'm around 15?". They nodded in agreement. I said "I would like to talk to your king, I think i'm ready.".

We started to train the new wizards and knights. I asked "Dad, do you think this is a good idea, father just for me to unite two kingdoms, why can't my brother do it?" My father stared at me and said "She's too young for him and the king's army is strong, plus you'll love her, she's beautiful Jade.".

I sighd. "Fine father, shouldn't we just go to Snow Chester peacefully and ask them about her?" He looked at me and shaked his head. I walked away and headed to my room. We are going to Girhi the next day so I can meet the king, so I slept for now.

The next day we went through a portal and were in an amazing place, it was hotter than I expected. As we came across a castel it was bigger than my kingdom, as we walked in the head wizard Fryo and his daughter Ayiak talking to the king Goedi. I looked at the painting and saw A king, a woman and a young girl around the age of five, and another pitcher of the king and an older looking girl "Who is she?" I pointed at the young girl.

"Oh that's princes Quartz, and the woman is queen Vyi." said the king in a sad way, "why do they only have wings with gold on them, and the thing on the tusk?". "Royal blood's have wings, pure royals have gold on them, and the thing represents the ruler's family. Women are a lot more respected and our heirs are normally girls.", i was astonished and Fryo and his kid were surprised as well.

As we looked at the army my kingdom's army to the Girhi army looks like a rock to a boulder, I shouted "HOW IS THERE SO MUCH PEOPLE HERE!". The translator responded with "When we came here we had millions it lowered down then raised up.", we talked i tried to convince them that we could just ask if she was there. Then my mother came in and said, "let's not resort to violence first thing we will ask, understand.". Everyone looked over and said yes king Goedi was happy that my mother made that choice.

We were walking to Snow Chester when I asked "Why do you only have one kid, King Goedi? And wheres the queen", he started to tear up "She died around nine trips around the sun ago, when Quartz was still a young kid.". The room went quiet my mother asked "would you like to talk about it?" he shaked his head, "let's start heading over we will walk since our magic is not strong enough to get there"

We were packing for the trip. It would take a while so when we took breaks I practiced self defense with my tail. It doesn't have venom like my brother's and father's, I don't really like death. My dad said I am weak because my mom said I'm strong for that.

We start to walk over to Snow chester. It will take a couple of days to get there, my brother is jealous because he thinks I am 'too weak' for a girl as beautiful as her. King Goedi heard his comment and said "Quartz will pick who she will be with it's our kingdom's tradition, understand.". I nodded my head. My brother scoffed and said, "Why would she want to be with him, he has no VENOM!".

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedWhere stories live. Discover now