Chapter 6

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Quartz screamed "DAD!" there was a bright light, I said "what happened". My brother Beloc, prince Obut and princess michel were panicking "Hey, hey, calm down we don't need to be stressed princess Quartz can defend herself if needed okay. Now c'mon we need to find where she went to." they nodded as they calmed down. "He's right we need to find where that demon took her to." King Goedi looked nervous as he said "I think I might know where they went." everyone stared. "I was worried about him finding her. I guess her coming to the world" caused him to know." The tension was so strong you could cut it with a blade, "She's in Baisley, a kingdom more hellish then Grihi where her real father was banished for trying to run away with Quartz.".

Everyone looked at him, "Get the blade, we are going to war." The people of the south looked surprised. "She must be important if he said that." a wizard said. "Thank you for your help, you can join if you want. Your kids seem very close to her, send a message until then. May the flame in your heart burn with passion." I said something that surprised everyone, even me. "May I join you, Beloc could come as well. We are strong." I gestured to my brother. The old king said "Yes you may come along, could you also teach magic to some of our people as well?" I nodded and asked my brother "would you like to come as well?" he looked determined and said "Yes, for princess Quartz!" Everyone yelled "FOR PRINCESS QUARTZ!!" We have a new ally.

We walked for a while then a wizard by the name of Fryo and his daughter made a portal. King Goedi walked in with his men, we followed him and it closed behind us. I asked "Wow it looks amazing here. Why is there lava flowing off the walls?" a translator looked at us and said "We don't have water here, we adapted. So we use lava like water, we also don't need water to survive, one thing as well when a knight touched the water he started to burn, so we can drink but not touch." I looked at him astonished that water was their weakness so I said, "You should try befriending the ocean queen." he looked at me and nodded.

We walked deeper into the castle where there were plants. It surprised me both the plants and how everyone lived in the walls of the castle. The king told a guard "Please take our guests to a nice room." she nodded and took us to a room with a bunk and weapons. "Here this is a guest room that is nice and makes yourselves comfortable." we nodded and she left, my brother grabbed a dagger and said "look a knife!" I took it away from him and put it back. I told him "C'mon let's practice. our magic." he nodded.

We went out of the room and asked "where can we practice our fighting and magic?" The guard looked at us and gestured to follow them. We went to an open place and she nodded and walked a bit far and talked to some more people. "Okay let's start with magic attacks, come at me with an ice move!" as I said this he looked at me funny then he realized "Why?. . . Ohh, okay." he did the spell frostwave.

He did it there was a wall of ice, the people looked at it in confusion. I picked up my animal skin and held it to the wall, water dripped in it. I made fire in the stone then dripped more water to the skin. The Girhin people looked amazed as I filled up some more things "Me and Beloc need this to survive." I pointed to the water. Then a pretty old looking woman that looked as if she was in wars came to us "Hello there i am Blade, king Goedi needs you.". "Okay let's go, let's put away the water.'' As I told Beloc, Blade picked up some of the water and brought it to our room. I made a little area where we put it. Then we headed to what looked like a war room. . . . . . .

Tales of Girhi, book one: Where it startedWhere stories live. Discover now