29| Treehouse

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"You are mad! Totally mad!" I yelled at him.

"What?" he asked in confusion

" Who told you to buy this for me?" I asked, scrunching my nose.

"Instead of appreciating, you are scolding me?" he questioned, furrowing his eyebrow.

"I appreciate you for showing me this wonderful place, but the treehouse you bought for me is overboard. Who does this all?"

"Shut up, Ruhi! If I do something good for you, never say its overboard. Because I do that for you with pure intention. And you deserve much more than this. You never asked me for this, but I wanted to do that for you." he interrupted me annoyingly. I guess I have awakened the hellion in him.

"I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, But why for me? I'm not here with you forever-"

"Fine!" saying this, he grabbed my wrist and brought me back to everyone. He was standing there in a corner sulking. I was feeling bad because of me, his mood is spoiled now.

"Chayi! Come here." I called him but he ignored me. Therefore I again called him a little loud so that he won't ignore me in front of everyone. There he looked at me and shook his head. Sighing, I went near him.

"Why are you making your face like a grumpy man?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

"Are you gonna ignore me?"

He still kept looking everywhere except towards me. Because of his shades I was not able to look in his eyes.

"Okay! For the last time I'm asking you, won't you talk to me?" he looked at me for a second and again he averted his gaze.

It's the time for some entertainment. Without warning, I pushed him back in the water.

"Ahh! Are you mad Ruhi?" he shouted.

Everyone looked at us. I thought now everyone will shout at me especially mom but everybody burst into laughter.

"Chayi you deserve this!" I giggled saying this.

"You feisty! Wait lemme come outside." he said, swimming in the water.

"Ohh am I visible now? Will you ignore me again?" I asked.

"Just shut up!" he roared.

"Ru... this was a good lesson for him." Dhruv said grinning.

"Yea?" saying this I pushed Dhruv in the water.

"Ohhhhh! Ruhiiii! I'll kill you... such a mischievous child you have become..." he said after registering what happened.

"Good lesson?" Chaitanya asked sarcastically to Dhruv.

"No.. Bro!"

Chaitanya held him and they both were playfully fighting with each other.

Everyone was laughing at their antics. Mom came near me and twisted my ears.

"Mom, you are hurting me.... My ears..."

"What was this?"

"Entertainment, Mom!" I exclaimed.

"Ohh!" saying this she pushed dad in the water.

"Whatt the hell? Why did you push me? What did I do?" Dad gasped.

"It's a punishment for not taking me on the date 12 years ago." mom said, chuckling.

"What? Are you gone mad? It was 12 years back and you remember this now?" Dad yelled.

Listening to this we all were laughing at them. Suddenly everyone started pushing each other in the water. Lastly Anshu was about to push me but I moved away in the nick of time and she falled instead of me.

"Yipeeee! I'm the winner!" I enthusiastically screamed. But the next moment, someone grabbed my wrists and pulled me in the water.

I was shocked, completely drenched in water. When I saw the person it was none other than Chaitanya.


"Shhh... It's payback to you." he said, caressing my cheeks. I was shivering under his touch.

I was about to go but he suddenly stopped me.

Looking at him, I asked, "Chayi... Will you ignore me again? We promised each other that we will fight but won't ignore each other then why are you doing this?"

"Do I matter to you?" he asked.

"Obviously!" I blurted out. Listening to me, he grinned.

"Then why do you always talk about going away from me?" he asked sternly.

"It's... the... reality"

"Will you be still going away from me if we dismiss the contract?" he asked, looking at me.


"I want the answer, Ruhi! I KNOW YOU HEARD ME."

"We will talk later about this. Everyone is here." I said and went to Isha, Tia and Anshu.

After swimming for Half hour, we went to the tree house. Resting a bit we realised that it was evening. I had no energy to even walk.

"Chayi, I want to stay here. I don't want to walk again." I requested him.

"This place won't be enough for everyone Ruhi... if you want I'll carry you."

"No, I'll walk by myself. Aren't you tired?"

"Nope!" he said, showing his mischievous smile.

"Chaitanya! Let ruhi stay here. As she never stayed in a treehouse." mom said.

"No mom! We are coming with you!" I replied.

"Ruhi, for the first time you are staying in the treehouse why don't you enjoy this experience? We all used to come in Chaitanya's childhood. And all the children used to live in their respective treehouses. But now that we have sold it." Mom said with a small smile.

"No mom, I'm coming with you all." I whined.

"Ruhi, my child, listen to your mom or she will throw you in the water." dad said glaring at mom. While we were chuckling as we recalled dad's expression. Hilarious! "Chaitanya, stay with her here and take proper care of her." Dad ordered him and everyone left from here.

Published on- 24/11/2022

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