5| Changes

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My heart was pumping loudly. I was gazing at the surroundings thinking about the recent events that took place.
After two days of their visit to my home, we both met again to sign the contract.
He handed me a black file. "I need you to go through the file and sign it."

I took the file kept on the table and read it carefully. It stated that -

- We have to live together for a year
- No interference in each other's life
- Need to pretend we are husband and Wife in front of the world but strangers when alone.
- Alimony will be offered right after divorce

There were not many terms but a term caught my eye. "I don't want alimony or some extras. So you can keep your money to yourself. I'm capable of paying for my expenses by myself. For your kind information I'm the bloody CEO of R. R. Subramaniam Enterprises."

"Well then that clause will be removed. Now are we good with this Contract?"



"Never thought that I would get married! Indian parents are really good at blackmailing their children for marriage. Never mind, I too have some plans." I thought. Suddenly from nowhere, my mom came in when I was getting ready. She hugged me tightly and it was evident that she's gonna miss me.

To cajole her, I caressed her cheeks and tried to comfort her by patting her back.
After some minutes, she was normal, and then she cupped my cheeks and said, "Ruhi, I know you might be angry with me for now. But as a parent, I have to fulfill my responsibilities. Getting married is not your thing. But you know there is a time when you need someone, who can support your decisions, take care of you when you are not feeling well, and as well as correct you when you are wrong. There will be a time when I or your dad will not be there to protect you, but then you will have your husband who will be there for you in the worst phase as well as in good times. So, try to understand our point of view." I just nodded and began to wear my accessories. My mother saw that still I was not convinced, therefore without saying a word, she helped me.

After getting ready I sat near the window alone in the room looking outside the scenario. The surroundings were quite noisy. You know a typical Indian wedding can't be the calm one. Watching this I started recalling my old days of me being single.

Right in a month we got married and here I'm shifted to Hyderabad. I took complete control of the branch which is in Hyderabad and half control of the Banglore's Branch.

It's been very tiresome wedding rituals and all. Seriously, I was exhausted with the overall scenario.


'Things are not as easy as it seems. Two families are connected due to two people's union. God knows what will happen if reality hits our family! Chaitanya's family are really good, the way they take my care and their understanding is really something beyond in this world.' I sighed thinking this all.

Suddenly I felt some movements in the room. No need to guess... It's him. Sensing him, I turned around and then started unpacking my stuff. While he took his clothes and went for the shower. Sighing that he didn't open his stupid mouth because I was nearly pissed off while unpacking my stuff.

At last, all my stuff was settled in the right place. As soon as he came, he growled, "What the hell! Who told you to place your things in my room? Just take that fucking shit out of my room."

This statement was enough to boil my anger. I began to snarl, "Man don't get on my nerves. Firstly, it's not just your room. 50% space of the room belongs to me and this stuff is not shit. It's you, who is the shit here."

He gritted his teeth in annoyance, "You feisty, this room belongs to only one and that's me. So before speaking watch your mouth―"

I abruptly interrupted him, "You hellion, better watch yourself. Zip your mouth if you can't speak with DIGNITY. And about this room, if you do have a problem, convince your parents and better divorce me as soon as possible. We will be together freed from these adjustments. What say?"

"You really do know how to piss someone―"

I again interrupted him, "Should I take this as a compliment?" I smirked.
He left with annoyance, stomping his leg. Seeing this I laughed out loud.


Arghh.... This feisty is too much. Never leaves a chance to irritate me. Now I have to share my room, closet, literally everything. How much more do I have to tolerate in this one year? Phew! Why can't she behave like a woman? Always up for debate.... Wait a minute! Why am I thinking about her? This is not good. I guess I have to ignore her existence as well as try to stay away from her.
Thinking this, I drive my car towards Kaylee's apartment.

Posted on- 24/6/2022

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