4| First Meet, First Tiff!

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Here we are in front of the Subramaniam mansion. It's simply magnificent. There were lots of plants and trees around. I guess they are nature lover. The vibe is quite homely and warm.

As we were talking with them, suddenly a girl came in formal clothes. Woah! Her aura is quite dominating and demanding. But wait, wasn't she supposed to come in some traditional dress? Why is she claded in formal wear? Jeezzz... Why am I thinking all this? It's none of my business.

"Mr. Reddy, she is my daughter Ruhi. Ruhi, come and get the guest." Mr. Subramaniam said.

There she is! Ruhi Subramaniam. Quite cute! Her height might be 5'4 comparatively quite smaller than me. But her cheeks seem quite chubby. I feel like caressing her cheeks. She is indeed beautiful and confident. Jeez! Chaitanya get out of the dream land.

"Hi, I'm Ruhi, Ruhi Subramaniam," she introduced herself confidently in front of everyone.

"Ruhi, dear sit beside Chaitanya," her dad said.

After Few questions, our parents asked us to go out for a walk.

Phew! Atlast!

As soon as we were out I turned to her.

"I-" we both said together.

"No, you first," again we both.

"No, you go on," I said.

"No, You first"



I guess this is a never ending fight. What a beginning!

Sighing, I started first, "Look, I don't want to lie to you. I have a girlfriend and I don't want to get married to you."
Hearing me, she was fuming in anger. Good baby in that process, you just have to reject me. Common!

"If you had a girlfriend, why are you here? Asshole!"

"Excuse me?"

"Still not excused! If you do have a girlfriend, why are you here? Because of you I'm stuck with this thing called MARRIAGE!"

"If you are not happy with marriage then just go and reject me."

"If this was this easy I would have done it before, but now it's related to my business and prom-... Never mind! You just settle this matter. Do whatever it takes! But get me out of this bloody triangle." she said.. Nope, she literally snarled at me.

This agitated me. I grabbed her wrist, bringinging her closer to me and held it tightly in my hold.

"Don't you ever dare to raise your voice in front of me. Consequences won't be good for you"

"Leave my hand! Or else-" she angrily looked in my eyes with gritted teeth.

"Or else what?" I made my firm more vigorous.

Suddenly something hard striked near my cheeks and bammed, I left her. It was so painful and then I realised that she punched me. She freaking punched me? Is she a woman or a walking Hammer?

"Never mess with me! Never think that you can manhandle me. I'm much more capable than simply punching you. It's my warning. If you do this again, I will rip your soul from the body," saying that she left without even giving me a chance to shout at her.

Dammit! I kicked the pole near me and seriously it pained me but not more than that robust punch.


Asshole, Jerk, stupid, idiot, senseless, mannerless.... Arghhh this man literally gets on my nerves. Why do i have to make stupid promise to my dad? There is only one way to deal with him. SIGN A CONTRACT.

I went back to my room without giving a glance to anyone.

They went back after lunch.

Posted on- 13/6/2022

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