Chapter 37: Drake's Scars

Start from the beginning

As the tour went on Drake tuned out the guide and kept watch outside, despite his suggestions. That was when he felt something grab the back of his hood.

"Hey Drake..." Sprig said pulling on it.

Drake tried to ignore him and focus on the road. He quietly hoped Hop Pop would step in, but he didn't.

"Drake... talk to me." Sprig said.

Drake continued to look out the window, but the pulling didn't stop.

"Drake..." Sprig said. He gave one huge tug at Drake's hoodie, briefly choking him.

"What?" Drake snapped.

"I'm bored. You mind if I talk with you for a bit?" Sprig asked.

Drake looked at him in frustration. "Ugh, fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"Sooo... you have anyone back home you'd like to see?" Sprig asked.

"That's an oddly personal thing to ask me about." Drake dodged the question.

"Come on, we're here in Newtopia. You're going to go home soon. The least you can do is tell me if there's anyone you want to get back to. We're family after all." Sprig begged.

"Are we really family?" Drake asked skeptically with a hint of venom.

Sprig seemed rather oblivious to Drake's hostility. "Of course, we are. I'm sure your family would be happy to see you."

"Look, it's complicated, okay? I don't understand why you care about it so much." Drake said trying to drop the subject.

"Pardon me, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation." Hop Pop interjected. "I too am curious if you have anyone back home."

"For goodness sake. I've got nobody back home. Understood?" Drake practically yelled. Shortly after saying it, he realized his mistake. "I mean- it's not that I don't have anyone- I just... have a lot to think about." Drake looked back at the window, trying to avoid their gaze.

Hop Pop grabbed Drake's hand. "It's okay Drake. You can tell us anything."

Drake turned to Hop Pop and Sprig. He was tired of constantly telling them no. "Look, I don't want to have to explain this twice. If I promise to explain it back at the hotel, will you please stop pestering me about it?"

"Alright but once we're there I want to hear all about it." Hop Pop agreed with Drake's demands.

"Oh, I'm so curious, I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait till then." Sprig said.

Drake looked out the window again. "Is that Anne and Polly?"

"Let us in! Let us in!" they screamed as an angry mob was quickly approaching.

"Everyone remain calm. As long as we don't remain open the doors or windows, this disaster will pass us by." the guide said.

"Forget that!" Sprig yelled as he opened the windows.

"Quick get in!" Hop Pop yelled as he took Polly.

Anne started to climb in, but someone grabbed her leg. "Oh no you don't!" suddenly more people started coming and Anne was struggling to hold on.

"This is insane! Leave me!" Anne yelled as they slowly pulled her back.

The family held onto Anne's left leg, which was inside the bus. They were losing in the pulling contest against the crowd. Polly refused to give up, however. "Never! Team P'Anne for life, remember?"

"That's right. That's right. P'Anne can't lose." Anne said as she was slowly losing her grip.

Polly gasped. "I just thought of a better name. An-olly."

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