What Life Takes

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Her POV-
I'm still frozen in place.

I can't move.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Lincoln is dead. He died.

He died in a car crash after one car lost control on black ice and crashed into the driver's door. His driver's door. He died on the way to the hospital.

I glanced over at Lilah who was sobbing hysterically. She and Lincoln's mom were holding each other and crying into each other's arms. I teared my eyes away from the depressing sight.

A mother who will never hold her baby boy again.

A girlfriend who will never grow old with her soulmate and start a family with him.

My bottom lip trembled but I refused to cry again. Until I remembered...

He was talking to Logan about being a dad, Logan told me.

I couldn't hold it in. I fell into a chair, clutching the side for stability as sobs shook me to my core. Tears poured from my eyes as my pained cries took full control of my body.

I calmed myself down but the tears never stopped.

I was just starting to become real friends with him.

Shouts sounded from the ambulance drop off section which startled me enough to look up. I watched as nurses and doctors rushed around in a craze as someone was being wheeled to the emergency room.

The tears calmed down enough that I saw who's body laid on that bed.

"Logan!" I screamed like someone had been brutally murdered.

I rushed over but nurses held me back. I fought them for as long as I could until he was out of sight. Then I collapsed to the ground in exhaustion and agony.

"Ma'am, do you have close ties to the patient?"

"I'm his girlfriend." I told her.

That's all I was able to manage to say before I literally passed out. I had to get checked out by a nurse in a separate room. Lilah sat with me, still mourning over her deceased boyfriend.

After I was okay I looked at her hesitantly.

"Is he okay?"

She choked back a sob long enough to answer.

"Nobody knows if he'll make it. He crashed into a pole."

Those words broke me.

The pain in my chest was fiery and stung as if someone plunged a knife through my heart. I could feel my lungs close up and I had to shut my eyes so I could remember to breath properly.

Why did this happen to us?

Because I was a minor they called my parents. I couldn't even look at them, or speak, or walk. They had to lend me a wheelchair to escort me outside.

I was a shell.

I hadn't stopped crying. Not since I had seen Lincoln and not since I had seen Logan.

Two best friends...

Logan always talked highly of his best friend. He once told me that he didn't think he could live without Lincoln.

He said the sentence, "If he goes, I go." As a joke but they are too real now.

His words cut me deep, take away my ability to walk and bind me to this chair.

My head aches and my heart hurts. My mother is clutching me in her arms but I lose touch with my senses.

How could this happen to us?

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