Late Drives

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His POV-
Lucky enough that it was my friends older brother who was hosting the party. Some frat kid who's likely to be caught with weed and kicked out.

The place was buzzing by the time I got there. Something people don't know is that parties like these are just big groups of friends with plus one's.

I was on the dance floor when I bumped into someone. I will say being intoxicated does make your foot work sloppy.

"Oh, sorry." A sweet voice spoke up.

A sweet voice that belongs to a certain pretty girl.

I turn around, holding back the smile from my face. As soon as she realizes who I am she blushed.
Okay now the smile appears.

My hands on her waist while her hands rest on my chest. We're swaying to the music and the moment is perfect. I lean in close to her.

"Do you like this position?" I softly whispered in her ear. I felt her shiver underneath my fingertips and I felt empowered knowing what my voice does to her.

The moment is short lived when she takes a few steps back. I'm looking at her but she's looking off elsewhere. Suddenly a dumb bitch comes into frame and I sigh heavily.

His arms snake around her waist, feeling her up. He turns them so her back is to me but he's locking eyes. He grabs her roughly by the nap of her neck and sluggishly makes out with her.

Oh so he's one of those drunk people.

I hold back an eye roll and clenched my fists together.

I notice one of her feet takes a step back and for a second it looks like she's struggling.

To get away from him?

She starts mumbling against his lips and pulling back but he holds on tight. Still staring at me like a fucking creep though.

My patience wears thin and I yank him off her. Of course, being extremely gentle with her and 'accidentally' making him knock into a wall.

He fumes like a child who just got their prized toy taken from them. Oh I'm going to beat his ass black and blue.

"That's my girlfriend! Stop trying to sleep with her!" He roars over the music.

I simply raise my eyebrows at him. Does this kid think that we're in middle school?

He goes to take a step towards me but I beat him to it, pushing his back fully up against the wall.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want." I growl only so he can hear.

Dumb bitch.

I turn and see that Paige was already gone. I walk around until I see her taking a shot with some guy in the kitchen. How many did she take? Because now she's stumbling everywhere and his arm is around her shoulder.

Oh hell no.

I walk over to them calmly and throw him off of her. He stumbles to the dance floor to seek out his next target I assume.

She looks at me and reaches for another shot but I snatch it out of her hands and down it myself. Her brows furrowed as she reaches for one more but I also drink it.

"Really?" She asked distastefully.

"You can't drink it if it's already in my mouth. Well..." I trailed off smirking at her.

She turns a funny shade of red and leans back onto the counter. I copy her move and now I'm standing right beside her. The kitchen lighting is perfect.

I can see every small freckle carefully crafted by what must be the gods above since they're so perfect. The curve of her soft, pink lips. Every strand of full, chocolate hair. I can even smell the perfume she's wearing. I can recognize anywhere.

She sighs and I notice she's staring at her boyfriend who's dancing like a toad with two broken legs on the dance floor.

"I just needed a drink." She said quietly.

So quietly that I almost didn't hear her. Almost.

I felt something and looked down to see her resting her head on my shoulder.

In that moment everything was like how it should be. She wouldn't have been dating that bozo, and we would be standing here together. I wouldn't let a single fucking person lay even a finger on her and all she would have to do is smile at me.

Her smile...

I made eye contact with her boyfriend and inwardly groaned when he had the nerve to walk over to us to collect his own girlfriend.

Who does he think he is?

He walked her out of the party, talking about driving them home. He was tripping over make believe shit more than he was. I dropped my cup and followed after them.

"Paige," I said lightly grabbing her arm to spin her around to face me.

"Get yourr h-ands off er!" He exclaimed.

I pushed him aside and focused back on her.

"Paige you can not get in the car with him. I'm taking you home." I stated. It was a fact.

She looked down at her boyfriend who just vomited on his own clothes. She cringed and nodded so I led her over to my car.

"Paigee nooo." Shit face called after her.

I got the door for her by which she seemed surprise. That bitch ass boyfriend of hers better be opening the car door for her.

I got her address and put it on GPS. It was silent for most of the way there. As I was turning into her neighborhood she finally spoke.

"'re nice. Thank you."

I looked over at her to see her smiling happily out the window.

I grinned and shook my head, knowing it was just the alcohol doing the talking. She wouldn't even be in my car otherwise.

Holy shit she's in my car.

Paige is sitting in my car.

I pulled up to her house and helped her get inside safely. I jogged back to my car and felt my phone ding.

Loml :: Drive safely plss

I smiled and threw my phone in the passenger seat. I couldn't stop smiling the whole ride home.

This girl is going to be the end of me.

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