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His POV-
I was going to kill that son of a bitch.

After Paige told me that she slept with Brandon, I stormed off. Of course I kept my cool in front of her but right now there's glass all over my kitchen floor and blood trickling down my hands.

I need to stop. I need to breath.

But I can't. How can I? Knowing where his hands had been. Touching her, pleasing her, savoring her-

I stumbled and leaned against the counter, causing another glass to slip and fall and break into a million pieces. Just like I did when she told me. What the hell was I thinking? Losing myself over some girl?

But she wasn't any other girl. She was my girl. The only one I wanted. The only one I needed. I needed her touch and attention. I'd be there any day of the week for her. I couldn't help it. I can't help myself. I'm selfish and greedy and this is one of those things. She was a good, innocent girl before I corrupted her. But I'll be damned if I actually stayed away from her.

My ragged breaths were tearing through my lungs. Calm down. But I couldn't. Not while knowing that his fingers had traced her skin, that she laid there for her to be his, that it was his name she had been moaning.

I called up a friend and went out to a club. He knew the guys so we got let in, even while being underage. I immediately went to the bar, ordering drink after drink. The hum of the loud music made me angry, the flashing lights made me angry, the girls who kept asking me to dance made me angry, the-

"Logan!?" I heard a masculine voice say behind me.

I turned and say Brandon staring at me, drink in hand.

"Man, you look rough. You sure you should be here?"

His god damn voice made me angry.

I couldn't help it. I wasn't myself. I swung. I heard his jaw crack. I swung again. I heard his nose crack.

I threw punch after punch until he was motionless on the club's ground. I stumbled back and took a swig of my vodka and set down the cup.

I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. Drunk me was strong. I carried him out to the alley wall and set him body down behind a dumpster. Hopefully the rats get to him before the owner of this joint does.

I continued to stumble down the street and collapsed on a park bench. I was far from the club and alone with nothing but quietness and peace. I seemed to sober up as cold wind slapped me in the face, yelling at me to wake up.

"Logan?..." I heard a quiet feminine voice say from behind me.

I didn't bother to look back, already knowing that voice. I'd recognize it anywhere. And I didn't want her to see me like this. Reeking of alcohol, a mess on a random park bench.

But there she stood in front of me, her arms crossed as if trying to protect herself from the unforgiving winds. I refused to meet her innocent brown eyes. The ones I've grown to love looking into so much.

She sighs and takes a step closer to me, standing in between my legs.

"I lied." She stated.

Those words made me look up. She looked so concerned for me that I almost believed she cared for me.

"I lied about sleeping with Brandon. I was mad, and bitter, and wanted to annoy you."
She confessed.

I looked down to my bloody knuckles. That doesn't make me feel bad for beating up her ex boyfriend though. I've always, and will always, want to do that.

But it did give me peace in mind. That he didn't touch her. That she's mine and only mine.

Instead of voicing my insecurities, I chuckle darkly. I stand up, making her stand back to give me space. I tower over her, my dark eyes shining over hers.

"Guess I'll just have to fuck those lies out of you." I tell her with a smirk.

Her eyes widen and I don't think it's the cold air that suddenly made her cheeks that color. I walk away and leave her to think about my words. I wonder if she'll go home and do what I'm about to do.

She just makes me so god damn hard.

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