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Her POV-
Today was picture day. I came to school late as usual.

That's when I saw him in the halls. He was flirting with a girl right outside my classroom. I lowered my eyes to the floor as I rushed into class. He makes me nervous.

I made it to lunch and was sitting down with my friend. Her face turned red from laughing too hard and I felt a surge of pride. That's when I felt someone's eyes on me. I couldn't pinpoint where they were coming from so I squirmed in my seat, uncomfortable.

I looked around and made eye contact with a boy. He smiled politely at me and so I smiled back. I believe he's in my next class?

I walked semi close to him as we continued to 5th period together. He held the door for me, a slight blush on his face. I thanked him, most likely blushing just as deeply.

As I entered my 7th period I saw him. He smiled at me again so I smiled back shyly. Then I looked over to see who he was sitting by to see his friend already staring at me. I smiled a little in his direction but he continued to glare at me. I quickly took my seat.

It was the middle of the class when his friend kept cracking jokes. I turned to look at him, mid laugh, to see him looking back at me.

He gripped his pencil tightly, holding eye contact with me. I don't think he likes me very much. I turned around and tried to brush off the feeling of his eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

Gosh he makes me so nervous and I don't know why.

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