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Her POV-
Brayden is the cutest, but something feels wrong.
We went on our first date, at the movies, and it was different then what I expected it to be.

I had to drive myself there just for him to be running late so I bought both our tickets and drinks and waited inside. He showed up 30 minutes after the movie had already started and tried to kiss me at the end which I swerved politely.

He later texted me that it was fun and 'we should do it again sometime' but I really don't think I'll ever go back to the movies with him.

He then went on about our 'perfect date'. I told him I was tired and went to bed early.
More miserable than ever.

Later at school the next day I was complaining to my friend about it.
"Wow, you get one good guy and this is how you're talking about him? Grow up Paige." She scowled at me.

Gosh now I feel bad. Am I being rude?

I looked across the hall and saw him. Logan. Before I didn't know his name but now I see the name Logan everywhere. It's insane.

He looked up at me and smirked. He walked up to me, fidgeting with a book in his hand.

"You know, as someone who just got a boyfriend, you don't look too happy?" He was practically gleaming at me.

"I am happy, since you're sooo interested." I shot back, throwing my bag over one shoulder.

He shrugged and walked off which made me fume.

No Logan, I made the right decision. I chose the nice guy over a hot guy and that's always the right decision. I obviously chose the right guy. I am extremely happy.

Brayden walked up behind me and hugged me. I giggled and turned around to face him.

"Hey babe, so I was thinking that we went to see another movie this weekend? My treat for screwing up our last date." He smiled warmly.

I did my best to keep my face happy.

"Oh actually I don't really like theaters. Can we go somewhere else instead?"

I could see the disappointment. Way to go Paige.

"Yeah sure, text me the deets." He smiled one last time at me and walked off. I did my best not to cringe while waving at him.

Dodged a bullet.
But how did some random guy know I was feeling sad and my own boyfriend didn't?

As I was walking to class I passed by a couple aggressively making out. Only when I looked closer I saw that it was my friend and...


They were doing tongue and everything. He eventually opened his eyes and caught me looking at them. He smirked and smashed his lips against hers and passionately made out with her, all while still holding eye contact with me.

I felt my face burn red as I speed walked away.

I have a boyfriend, why am I attracted to other guys?! Well no I'm not attracted to Logan. He's just naturally hot.

I need to stop thinking about him.

And forget everything we did together. Even if we both disagree with that.

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