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Her POV-
I have no idea what made him do it.

Logan was standing at my door, flowers in hand, suggesting we go on a double date with his friend and my friend.

Daffodils, my favorite. How did he know?

"A man does his research." He tells me, still smiling big.

I gratefully except the flowers and agree to this double date.

It was quite spontaneous, but I know Logan as the spontaneous type. He plans things at the last minute, or does things in the heat of the moment.

I wore a tight baby blue dress that revealed my soft curves. I barely had time to do my hair so I clipped it half back and left a couple strands to frame my face.

He opened the door for me and drove us to a fancy diner. I frowned instantly.

"Logan, I'm not sure I can pay for this. By restaurant, I thought you meant-"

He held a hand up.

"Everything is on Lincoln and me today. You girls just get to have a fun time." He winked at me and got out of the car.

He locked it until he arrived to my side and opened the door for me. Something he does to make sure I don't open my own door. The only reason he's gotten so dramatic was because ONE TIME I forgot the rule and opened it myself, thus he does this now.

He led me through the bustling aisles and right to a reserved booth. I saw Lincoln and Lilah already sitting down.

She had a light blush on her cheeks, most likely laughing at something he was saying. His eyes twinkled at her smile, and something told me he never wanted to see it leave.

Logan and I exchanged looks, already knowing what's up.

Just like Logan had promised, everything I got he paid for. It was refreshing, even though I would be paying for the next time we ate out.

He just doesn't know it yet.

But sitting across from Lincoln and Lilah was like looking through a mirror. Every single time she spoke or laughed, his eyes were on her. He would laugh with her every single time. He might've not known what was funny, but just seeing her happy made him happy.

And that made me happy. And me being happy made Logan happy.

So we were all just one happy group.

"So Paige, is Logan treating you right?" She asked and jokingly narrowed her eyes at him.

He feigned shock and held a hand to his heart. I leaned back into his side and we entwined our hands together.

"Like a princess." I replied and looked up at him with a smile.

He returned it.

"Only as the best should be treated."

He kissed my forehead softly, making me blush.

I tend to blush a lot around him. He just has that effect on me.

I noticed Lincoln look at Lilah with those loving eyes. But then hers met his. And she smiled.

I just visibly saw a guy melt for a girl. With my own two eyes, right in front of me.

Logan and I smirked to one another as Lincoln continued to stare at Lilah in awe as she took a sip from her drink. Logan cleared his throat, trying to help his friend out.

He came back to his senses and shied away from his girlfriend for the rest of the dinner. I sent Lilah a knowing smirk and she blushed while glancing at her boyfriend.

I would've felt jealous of their love, but Logan was giving me ten times that. And with him, it was more than enough.

With him, I was complete.

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