Ch. 30: Burned Memories

Start from the beginning

No one had ever been kind to me until the day I met her and the others. They were thoughtful, truly caring to me. She always smiled at me pure-heartedly, and she risked her own life to save me from the fire.

A person I was trying to kill went inside a burning greenhouse for someone like me...

The words she said to me back at the hospital never left my mind. I remember being surprised when she called me her 'friend.' I wonder, if all of this didn't happen, if we were just students in Rose River, without the drug, and the organization, would we really be the best of friends? If I wasn't what I am, would she still be friends with me?

Lena, what are you doing? I shouldn't be thinking about this. We have a plan, and we need to stick to it. I shouldn't be thinking of something like that. Friendship? What does that mean anyway?

This is ridiculous. I need to clear my head from all of this.

Suddenly, the door burst open, snapping me out of my thoughts. Natasha stepped in with a gun in her hand and a smirk on her blood-red lips. Her eyes shined with something devilish, and I knew something new had happened. She threw the gun towards me, and I caught it.

"We have a change of plans."


~One Hour Ago~

"The greenhouse!?" Christian practically shouted, causing me to slightly flinch as I moved away from him and was ready to leave the room. I didn't want to argue with him about this, I've already made my decision, and I thought that it was the right thing to at least inform him of it.

But I'm starting to think that it was a wrong idea. I should have probably known that he would be mad about this.

Before I could open the door, he gently grabbed my shoulders and made me face him. I can see that he was clearly worried about this decision, and honestly, I'm not sure of it myself. "You're not going to that greenhouse alone," he said firmly, squeezing my shoulders.

I managed to smile at him to assure him that I would be fine. "I'm not going alone. Samuel is coming with me," I informed him.

"Why are you even going to that place? It's dangerous. Black could be anywhere," he cautioned.

"Which is why I'm going with Samuel. He'll protect me." I sighed, stroking the back of his neck. His hand grabbed mine, and he moved it to rest on his cheek. His green eyes poured with concern and a hint of fear while I managed to stand on my tiptoes and give him a kiss on the lips.

"Maybe I should go with you?" he suggested, and I quickly shook my head.

"No, if something happens, I don't want you to be involved in it," I said.

"But-" he protested, and I cut him off.

"No, Christian, I can't live with myself if something bad happens to you."

"That's supposed to be my line." He let out a small laugh while running his hand through his hair.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," I assured him, but I had a feeling that it won't work no matter how many times I said that to him. The truth is, I have no idea if I'll be fine. And it's hard to convince him not to worry about me when I'm not even sure if I'm going to be safe.

I was about to walk away when he suddenly pulled my waist and replaced the light kiss I gave him with a more passionate one. I can tell by that kiss how much he was worried about me, how much he didn't want to let me go, and how scared he was that he won't ever see me again.

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