Giant step... small confession

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Ruby pov

it's been weeks since i m doing covers for songs,now i became too famous to stay in the shadows,it was time to reveal my face,since some cartoon company contacted Jungkook for me to do some voice over for a female character.As i understood,they need a young,new talent to do the singing part.
As the payment was good,my parents, even jimin and hobi encouraged me to do it .
but it means that my face will be revealed on the launching of the cartoon.
It was a hard decision to make but it finished by us agreeing on it.
My latest cover was "Nothing like us".
It was acoustic guitar version,i bet the fans will go wild for it especially now that my face. was on it.I can't imagine the shock in the faces of the people who actually knows me.
During this period i've talked with yoongi a couple of times,we didn't talk   about Tae's topic at all,i m waiting for the right time.
Actually there is a one tiny problem,the more i spend time with Jungkook,the more i feel like he is the perfect man,it should sound normal,but not in my case,i see him all the time,at college,in the studio,he care for a lot and that care started to attract me.I wait to see him in class,i wait for his calls.He became a part of the day,a part that i like a little too much for my own good .
But because i m being me,i convinced myself that it's just admiration,is it?
Today we played moonlight sonata together,it gave me a chance to study his features more,how the fuck i m i supposed to not like him?
Once i signed the agreement with the cartoon company,i needed to be doing the voice over a couple of times during this week for that particular movie.Ibwas barely finding time to do much,i was mostly either working or studying, nothing else.
Tonight i took a shower before heading to bed,i decided to answer the messages i received from hobi and jimin, even yoongi who wanted to meet up tomorrow morning and i agreed.

9.30 Am at college

Yoongi decided to join me at the cafeteria of the college for a coffee
"you have a great voice Ruby,all your covers were amazing"
"thanks yoongi, sorry but the boys won't join us today,their first class is at 2 pm,So i guess it's the perfect chance to share our stories and i ll go first"
he chuckled "ok fair enough,but how much time do you still have before class"
i looked at my watch
"i have good 20 minutes to go,so i ll start right away"
i spent a good 10 minutes telling him all about it,he remained calm and didn't interrupt me.
he nodded
"well,i dare say i agree with your friends in this,you are taking a big risk, loving him is possible especially with the qualities he has,i believe it won't be hard for me to like him too,and from the way your face lights up when you talked about Jungkook,i believe you. already have a crush on him Ruby"
i didn't dare to say a thing at first
", it's just admiration yoongi"
he laughed at my statement
"Ahuh..sure,the longer you keep on telling this to yourself...the deeper you're going to love him and once you decide to admit it,it will be too late "
i stared at my mug for a second and said
"if that's the case what should i do yoongi"
"there is nothing wrong with your feelings Ruby, especially that you are acting like a couple Infront of his mom,your feeling is justified,but it's either you accept it and work hard to make him like you too..or"
Somehow i became interested to know the second option that i might need to consider
"Or what yoongi?"
"you just let go of this feeling and end the game soon and protect yourself,take it from someone loved too much once,if they don't love you as much as you do... leave them before you end up broken for years"
i don't know why my heart clenched at that point.
Would that happens to me?
was yoongi talking about Tae?
He touched my hand to bring me back to the reality
"you break is over Ruby,thank you for trusting me with your story and feelings,i will call you to meet up again, because it is my turn to tell the truth".

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