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It's been days since the last incident happened. King shook his head as another call to Casandra went unanswered. Everyone knew that something was wrong, that was the only time Casandra ignored people.

Knowing that Casandra didn't like to be suffocated when she's going through things was another reason why King decided not to just pop up to her place with questions. But at this point he felt as if he was left with no choice, something was wrong with her and he knew that for sure.

King knocked on the door a few times and stood there waiting on an answer. Casandra never opened the door. He knocked more aggressively this time around, the door eventually flung open revealing Casandra. She looked a mess.

Her hair was in a messy ponytail, which clearly hasn't been combed out in days. She wore an oversized T-shirt, with plaid pajama pants. How tired she is was evident on her face, the poor girl looked drained.

"You look horrible." King stated bluntly.

"Thank you."

"What's wrong with you? We've been calling you."

"I'm fine. Just wasn't feeling like myself lately, nothing unusual."

"You can't lie for shit."

"I'm not lying King, I'm fine. I get a little depressed here and there, that's all."

"Did you talk to Ace or Jayda at all recently?"

Casandra shook her head slowly, "no.. don't tell them you talked to me either. I'll call them later on."

"The fuck." King trailed off, "you don't plan on calling them, you plan on continuing to avoid them."

"That's not true."

"So why can't I tell them that I talked to you?"

"I'd prefer to tell them."

"You got until tomorrow before I say something."

"I will."

When King was fixing himself to walk away, something caught his attention, Casandra had a bruise on her cheek, it looked fresh too. That made it easier for King to put two and two together.

"Where is he?"

"Who?" Casandra questioned confusingly. She had no clue that she forgot to cover the mark Savion left on her face. She had no plans on getting out of bed anyways to clean herself up, until she heard King's aggressive knock on the door.

"Don't play dumb with me right now Casandra. Where is Savion, he's missing."

"I don't know anything about that. Did you check the cameras?"

"I'm calling Ace."

"No, no." Casandra snatched King's cellphone from his hands, "please don't do that let me talk to him."

"Something happened Casandra, you either tell me now or I figure the shit out with Ace. Today."


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