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Today was another gloomy day for Casandra. She woke up in a bad mood due to the nightmare she had. As much as she tried to get Savion out of her head he always appeared somewhere. Since he left her alone, for now, he's been appearing in her dreams. Nothing changed, in her dreams he was still the same toxic Savion he is in reality.

While Ace was working on bettering Casandra and helping her deal with the negativity in her life, he understood that Casandra had her gloomy days. Days where she didn't want to be bothered or wasn't in the mood to talk because things were getting to her. He was being patient with her, he understood that things takes time.

Casandra laid in bed staring at nothing in particular. She wasn't in the best mood to get up and do anything. Since she woke up from her nightmare, she hasn't gotten up to wash her face, brush her teeth, use the bathroom, or eat, and it's been at least four hours since she woke up.

She allowed her phone to die, so any calls or texts weren't going fully through. She didn't care to communicate as of now so she didn't care about her phone being dead. She wanted to be alone but she also craved attention, she wanted affection, she wanted to be treated the correct way. She wanted to see what it feels like to be loved properly.

She wanted princess treatment and nothing but that. Especially after going through so much. Anything toxic was definitely out of the book for her, she's experienced it all. Luckily for her, she has Ace who was giving her princess treatment. She hoped that he never switched up.

Four hours of laying in bed turned into a few more hours of laying in bed. The time was going on seven pm and Casandra has yet to get up. She laid in that one spot focusing her attention on different parts of her room as she allowed her mind to linger.

She was unaware of someone else's presence being in her home until her bedroom door open. She didn't bother to move thinking that it was no one but Savion coming to beat on her.

"Cas." A voice called out, it was Ace, not Savion.

Casandra didn't say anything, she didn't bother to move from her position either. Her head was far gone.

"You good?" Ace questioned, "I was coming to check on you. Your phone was going straight to voicemail all day."

Ace realized Casandra's teary eyes. She broke down into uncontrollable sobs. He sat down pulling her into his chest. He rubbed her back in a soothing manner as he allowed her to wet up his T-Shirt.

He knew that it was one of those days, she was over emotional so he didn't bother to question it. He knew her well enough to know the reasons behind why she could possibly be crying.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ace questioned, "Matter fact, we're going to talk about it. Get up and go clean yourself up."

Casandra shook her head no. She laid in Ace's arms with her arms wrapped securely around him. It felt like a safe place.

"Go clean yourself up Cas and let's go get something to eat. I know you've been in bed all day."

Ace removed his arms around Casandra so that she was able to get up. She thought about it for a few seconds before removing herself from Ace's arms. Ace watched her as she made her way into the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom. Casandra handled her hygiene and fixed the messy bun that her natural hair was in. Did she comb it out? No, but it looked a little better than before.

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