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King sat behind his desk filling out paperwork pertaining to his bar. It was a Friday night, as expected the bar was packed. Businessmen and young adults that had just turned eligible to drink surrounded the bar.

The sudden knock on the door interrupted King's focus on filling out the papers. In walked one of his workers, Ace, King eyed him weirdly as he walked through the doors of his office.

"You told two females they can have drinks on the house?" Ace questioned with a brow raised, "Jayda and Lexi?"

"Yeah.. send Jayda back here for me."

"Ight." Ace left making sure to close the door tightly behind him. He wasn't used to King having people inside of his office, he barely liked when his employees entered. Ace couldn't help but to wonder what was going on between Jayda and King. He found Jayda to be attractive himself and had plans on talking to her while she's here.

He walked back out towards the bar where Jayda and her friend Lexi sat. "King wants you in his office Jayda."

"Am I missing something?" Lexi questioned looking over at her friend.

"No, nothing at all."

Ace led Jayda to King's office. Instead of knocking she walked straight in receiving a laugh from Ace. Ace closed the door behind her making his way back to the bar to help out the other bar tender.

"You don't know how to knock?" King asked eyeing Jayda as she took a seat in front of him.

"I'm not knocking every time, King."

King eyed Jayda, she returned the same glare until a smile plastered on her face followed by a small laugh. King had became accustomed to her goofiness from the last time they talked so her laughter didn't bother him they made him chuckle himself.

"Since I told you that you can have drinks on the house, here." He handed her two red tabs for her and Lexi signaling that they have drinks on the house, "At the end of the night show the bar tender this, they know what it means."

"This happens often?"

"Nah. But I have them just in case."

"If anything goes left just tell me, I'll handle it. Ight?" Jayda nodded her head in response. She stood up pulling up her high waisted jeans that hugged her body nicely. After saying bye to King she headed back to the bar with her friend, Lexi.

King stayed at the bar for another hour before making his way downtown to check on the boys. He expected everything to be running smoothly like it was when he left but everything went left.

"What the fuck do you mean my product is missing?" King question the man that stood in front of him. The man knew he fucked up, King staring intensely at him didn't make anything better. He had one job, and one job only. He was suppose to be watching everything going on while King took care of business at his bar. Unfortunately he failed at that.

"I- I don't know man I turned my head for one second-"

King sent a blow to the man jaw without second guessing it. The man spat out the blood that instantly filled his mouth. His product never unexpectedly went missing. Missing product meant less money coming in.

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