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After handling Tray, King made sure to keep an eye on his men. He didn't need anyone else going behind his back like Tray did. He thought that Tray was to be trusted until he proved him wrong.

Tray was just a lost case in King's opinion. He had no family, no job other than what King provided—he didn't even bring anything to the table. He came to work with zero skills, if it wasn't for the other bartenders he wouldn't last bartending.

He could barely fend for himself when King first met him, without King's men he'd be nothing.

King sees him as nothing but a snake now. He was a dead man and King felt no sympathy.

King walked the floors making sure that everything was being done correctly—the making and the bagging of the drugs. They were getting paid good money so he needed things done correctly. So far he had no complaints.

After seeing everyone doing what they were assigned to do he went to his office to take a seat. Ace bust into the office before King was even able to fully settle down. King eyed Ace like he was stupid. They've been friends for years, King was used to the dumb shit his friend did. But busting into his office unannounced was not one.

"Don't look at me like I'm stupid." Ace spoke, "you know why I'm in here."

"Why the fuck are you in here? I don't know shit."

"You got that girl's number from your bar. You don't do relationships, you plan on playing with her feelings?"

"I don't play with people's feelings."

"I haven't seen you with a female in awhile. If I didn't know the type of nigga you were I would've thought you was -"

"Get the fuck out."

"Mane I'm here for one reason and one reason only." Ace paused his sentence looking at King to read his expression, "Casandra, I want her."

"No, hell no." King shook his head instantly.

"Give me her fucking number."

"Casandra doesn't need a nigga like you."

"Ole girl at the bar doesn't need a nigga like you either but look at her, giving your ass a try."

King eyed Ace for a couple seconds before turning his attention elsewhere. He lit up the pre-rolled blunt that sat on his desk before taking a puff. He exhaled looking over at Ace who still stood there. King shook his head, his answer was remaining the same.

"No. You won't get shit from me. If you want her so bad go get that shit yourself."

"Shit, bet."

Ace made sure to give King the finger before making his way out. He closed the office door behind him. King shook his head, he sat back comfortably in his seat as he took another pull from his blunt.

He crushed the blunt once it was down to a roach. After a long day, he felt more relaxed than ever. His nerves were relaxed, he felt more at ease. Being high never failed him.

After double checking with his workers making sure that everything was still in tact, he made his way to his bar. He expected a large crowd since it was a Saturday night.

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