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After the meeting King had with Ace and Jayda yesterday, King found out some new information. Someone else was added to the equation, Tremaine Beckham.

King wasted no time doing some research of his own to find out who this Tremaine man was. He's never heard of him before, so clearly he wasn't as important as he wanted to make himself seen. After searching him up he found enough information that told him exactly who Tremaine was and where he was located.

He wasted no time. He sent a few of his men to get Tremaine with the address he found connected to him.  Within a half hour they had Tremaine in King's hands. King was ready to get down to business. He was beyond tired of being left confused trying to figure out if Jayda was trying to set him up or not. He was ready to get this over with.

Tremaine sat in front of King. He was cuffed tightly to the chair to prevent him from being able to escape or making any sudden movement that resulted in his life being taken. King didn't plan on interrogated the man, he just had a few questions that he wanted to be answered honestly.

"You met Jayda at my bar, correct?"

Tremaine simply nodded. He was well aware about how much of a powerful man King is so he knew certain lines to cross and certain lines he shouldn't think about crossing. Anyone knew that.

"You hacked into her iCloud. I'm seeing messages between her and Tray and somehow your name got involved, you tried setting me up with them?"

"Setting you up?"

"How the fuck is Jayda involved with this mixup. If you just met her the night at my bar, how the fuck are y'all so close?"

"Jayda was in on the whole thing man. She told me about you, she made you a target." Tremaine spilled. King's brows knitted together instantly.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"That night when we were at your bar. I didn't know that it was owned by you until Jayda said so. Before she consumed so many drinks she was telling me shit about you."

"Like who you were and the shit you do for a living besides the bar. Then she told me about the situation she got in with your former worker. She knew of him before their bar situation. Tray wanted to bring you down for the longest and she wanted in."  Tremaine continued. If ratting Jayda out was keeping him out of trouble he had no problem with doing so.

"Think about it.. how can I get into her iCloud without knowing her iCloud and the password?" Tremaine questioned, "Jayda is not fucking innocent. That bitch is a good actor."

Just when King wanted to trust Jayda.

"And Tray? With him trying to steal my files what was that shit about?"

"I don't know man.." Tremaine trailed off, "Tray wanted to bring you down, that's all I know. The whole scheme at your bar was a setup. Tray and Jayda knew what they were doing with the drink situation, that brought Jayda closer to you."

As much as King didn't want to admit it, what Tremaine was telling him did sort of make sense. Everything was beginning to connect. Jayda indeed was not innocent in this situation and King couldn't believe that he was starting to second guess that.

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