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Today was Saturday, the day King told Jayda that he would take her out again. He had plans on taking her to another fancy restaurant and letting Jayda pick where they go afterwards. Since their last outing went well, King wanted to take Jayda out again.

They've been enjoying each other's company as of lately. King wasn't used to anything but working, he didn't typically get out much due to how much he works and how focused he was when it came down to his business. He didn't care to go out because being around a crowd wasn't his thing. His strong work ethic prevented him from having fun. Making money was fun for him.

King looked at the time and seen that he still had a few more hours until it was time for him to take Jayda out. Until the time was approaching, he decided that he was going to check on his businesses—legal and illegal.

He needed to check on things at his bar to make sure that they were going well. His bar was usually packed, especially since it was a Saturday. All of the business men and women came to the bar on Saturday's. Saturday night is when groups of young adults came to chitchat and drink.

King made his way out of the Apartment making sure to close the door behind him. He was in a well kept up neighborhood but didn't trust it very much, outsiders were always coming in.

He unlocked the doors to his car hopping in. He threw his T-shirt over on the passenger side since he had on a wife beater. Outside was hot, too hot to have on two layers of shirts.

He made his way to the downtown side to go check on his place of illegal business first. With all of the mixup that was going on he had to make sure that no one was attempting to steal from him again. He was making sure that everything stayed in order rather he was present or if he wasn't.

King made his way into the building making sure to greet everyone. By the looks of it so far, everything was running smoothly. Everyone was in their sections handling what needed to be done. So far, King had no complaints.

Someone came rushing to King as if they were frantic. King brows knitted together instantly.

"We haven't seen Ace in at least two days, is everything alright? I figured that you'd know."

"Ace is straight. He's with his girl right now."

"Oh okay. Just making sure. Around here has been getting crazy lately."

"What do you mean?"

"There's been a new group of boys out, teens. They've been running around here crazy. They're real shiesty."

"They came in here?"

She shook her head no, "No. Not yet at least. But they've been watching the building, we noticed it the other day."

King nodded and thanked her for giving him the information before anything crazy had the chance to go down. Nowadays it was very common for teen boys to run the street looking for trouble. They all hung around the wrong people which led them to the street life.

A bunch of teens that nine times out of ten didn't know what they were doing. That always led them in messed up predicaments, either dead or in jail. King couldn't see himself taking the live's of teenagers that clearly didn't know what they were doing or had real reasons behind doing it.

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