Chapter 56-60

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Chapter 56 – Raising Lambs

Su Danhong had already discussed buying apartments with Ji Jianyun and only Hong Jie knew about it. She didn't tell anyone else. Even if she wanted to, it would be a matter for the future."Then rest well. Mother will send the consent form to the village head," Mother Ji said.

"Okay." Su Danhong nodded.

After Mother Ji left, Su Danhong looked at the time and went to the kitchen to prepare a meal.She had lunch alone and immediately filled herself with pork dumplings.

Before, she rarely ate pork, but now she couldn't get enough. Since she was pregnant with the little baby, she developed meat cravings. Her cravings were not limited to pork, but she also wanted other types of meat, fish, and eggs. She did not have that many vegetable cravings.She ate two bowls of dumplings before making some snacks for Da Hei.

Like the three dogs on the mountain, Da Hei was fed two times a day: once in the morning and then in the evening.

Even though it was like this, Mother Ji was very distressed every time she saw it.

The four dogs ate a lot of food. They also ate lavish meals that were better than other people. But despite Mother Ji being distressed at this, she couldn't help but praise them each time when she saw how intelligent they were in protecting their owners. It was complicated.

Mother Ji felt that the reason that the four dogs were so intelligent was because their food was so good. The quality of their meals was simply not the same as the other dogs in the village.After lunch, Su Danhong sewed another pair of small socks for the baby. It was necessary as winter was coming.

Then, she took a nap but she did not dare to sleep too long. After almost napping for an hour, she got up and went outside for some exercise. She went to the backyard to pick some herbs. These herbs grew well and had a distinctive flavor because they were all watered by the spiritual spring water.Su Danhong took some herbs and went to the old Ji's house.

Mother Ji was repairing the sheep pen. When they were younger, the old Ji family were also sheep farmers, but they did not do it anymore.

"Mother, what are you doing with the sheep pen?" Su Danhong asked.

When Mother Ji saw her coming, she smiled and said, "Mother wants to buy two lambs to raise. Danhong, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Su Danhong agreed. "Sounds good." Sheeps were easy to keep. There was a lot of grass growing on the mountain that the sheep could eat. Father Ji went up the mountain every day, so there was no need to worry about raising the lambs when she could ask him to take them with him.

However, in order to prevent the lambs from pooping everywhere, she would need Xiao Bai to look after them a bit.

But she didn't dare say that, or else her mother-in-law would have called it unreasonable. Su Danhong was a bit obsessed with cleanliness, and she couldn't stand the thought of stepping in sheep dung, even if the sheep dung in itself was not smelly.

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