Chapter 11-15

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Chapter 11 – Grab Medicine

"Mother, get up! If she really dared to cheat, then of course you have to sort her out. But you have to make things clear first!" Su Danhong hurried to say.

Mother Su pinched second sister-in-law Su viciously a few times and made her face turn white with pain. However, she gritted her teeth and did not dare to cry out.

"Mother, look! Do you see how many good things I have brought for you here?" Su Danhong revealed.

It was only then that Mother Su noticed the pork meat and spare ribs in her hand and said, "You are a little filial!"

Su Danhong shoved them into her hands and supported her up to sit. She said, "What's the matter? I was just outside when I heard you fighting. Aren't you afraid of people passing by and letting them hear a joke?"

"Sister-in-law, you have to believe in second sister-in-law. Second sister-in-law did not do such a thing. I'm telling the truth!" Second sister-in-law Su exclaimed.

"Why don't you get lost and do the laundry?!" Mother Su glared and scolded.

Second sister-in-law Su wanted to say something else, but she saw how Mother Su's eyes looked like she wanted to tear her apart. Thus, she went to the yard to wash the clothes that had fallen on one side like a defeated mouse.

"Mother, what's the matter? Can't you be nicer to second sister-in-law?" Su Danhong questioned.

"Be nice to her? This old hen who can't lay eggs is eating for free. She hasn't laid an egg after joining the family for almost four years!" Mother Su gritted her teeth.

Su Danhong asked, "Mother, you're not scolding me, are you?"

She had joined the family for almost three years, and as Mother Su said, she hadn't laid an egg.Mother Su immediately said, "Why? Is it that person from the old Ji family who is picking on you? You don't need to be afraid of her. Your situation is different from that stupid person. Ji Jianyun has only been back a few times over the years. Who can be blamed if you can't get pregnant?"

"Mother, don't talk about me. What's wrong with second sister-in-law?" Su Danhong changed topics.

To tell the truth, Mother Ji was much kinder than her mother. When she first crossed over to this time period and the original owner hung herself over that matter, Mother Ji was so angry. It was only then that she said what she had not said during the past three years when she had never said it before.

However, she learned from the memories that her mother had started saying her second sister-in-law was a hen that could not lay eggs a year after she joined the family and was not pregnant.

"Isn't this stupid person hooking up with the fool next door? If I didn't catch her just now, then I wouldn't have known this stupid person wanted to give your second brother a green hat. Your second brother goes out to help with the farming every day, and he always looked at her as the apple of his eye. Fuck, if I say two words to her, your second brother will not be happy. But she dared to do such a thing behind your second brother's back. Can you say mother can spare her?" Mother Su said viciously.

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