Cayde: Incident greeeaaat.

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They next day Cayde decided to pull some pranks on Cardin like replacing his mace with a cardboard cut out or the classic bucket of water onto of the door. Every time Cayde sees his pranks going according to plan he made a website of the times he pulled pranks on Cardin in which he got many views and funny comments.

JNPR's Dorm

Nora: So "Hunter vanguard" are you ready for the field trip tomorrow?

Cayde: Ok first off I'm not the Hunter vanguard anymore and not planning on becoming one again and two maybe as long as you don't go crazy like last night.

Nora: Oh come on. I'm sorry for killing you with my hammer in your sleep.

Ren: You ate the entire stash of caramel chocolate chip cookies and went hyper mode!

Pyrrha: Then you grabbed your hammer and proceeded to hit Cayde with it.

Nora: I said I was sorry.

Cayde: *whispers into Ren's Ear* Give anything sugar related to Sundance and she'll take care of it.

Ren: *nods his head*

Pyrrha: Well besides that any place for today?

Cayde: Wellllllll....

Cayde's secret warehouse

Ren: Is that-

Pyrrha: A modified-

Nora: Bullhead?

Cayde: You got it! I saw some guys about to throw away a spare bullhead so I asked them if I could have it and boom here it is.

Pyrrha: How did you have the lien to make the modification?

Cayde: Oh I didn't. I went to the scrap yard and just grab some random crap and boom.

Ren: So what are you trying to make this bullhead do?

Cayde: Trying to make it space worthy.

Pyrrha: But how, dust doesn't work is space.

Cayde: Oh I know, that's why I'm making an alternative power source.

Cayde then goes inside tinkering with some random parts as bits and pieces fly everywhere.

Pyrrha: Um Cayde? You need a hand?

Cayde: *peaks his head out* I mean... sure you can if you want of course.

Nora: So we're actually making a space ship? So cool!

Cayde: Yep Ow! I even conjured up a stealth drive just in case but it's still in beta.

Ren: So what do you need?

Cayde What I need my ninja friend is parts to make a NLS Drive.

Nora: Ah wha?

Sundance: A warp drive.

Nora: And what does this warp drive do?

Sundance: A warp drive basically can bend space around the ship giving it enough punch to go to planet to planet if needed.

Cayde: Correct and now all I need are the parts to do so. Ghost given them the blueprints on what parts they need.

Sundance: Certainly. *give the blueprints to Ren* This is what we need.

Ren: Sounds easy enough. Ok we'll see what we can do.

Nora: Next stop junk yard! Let's go Reni!!!

Nora then grabs Ren by the arm and ran immediate out the door towards the junk yard for parts for a warp drive leaving only Cayde and Pyrrha alone.

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