Cayde: Ima kick that bully right where it hurts... in the balls 😈

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Combat class

Glynda: Alright everyone I'm Professor Glynda Goodwitch your combat teacher and today here in the arena I will be choosing two opponents to face each other down for a little demonstration on how the Vytal Tournament will play out. *pulls out her scroll* today for our demonstration we have Cardin Winchester of team CRDL and Jaune Arc of team JNPR. May the two leader please grab your gear and enter the arena.

Cardin: Get ready to get your ass whooped Jauney boy.

Cayde: What ever you say you crotch sniffing fetus fucker.

Upon hearing his comeback every can't help but laugh at his insult that even Yang, Nora, and Pyrrha chuckled but Ruby was confused on what he meant, Weiss was dumbfounded that he has the balls to say that in front of the teacher and Glynda was not happy he said that.

Glynda: Mr. Arc please keep your profanity to a minimum.

Cayde: No promise darling.

Glynda: *blush* darling?

Cardin: 'oh no I think I'm going to be sick.'

As they left for 5 minutes the came back armed and ready. For safety Cayde's round where temporally replaced with dust round to be more "safe" for the students when It comes to training. Both stood face to face ready to fight each other to the duel.

Glynda: Huntsman's ready?

Both: Yes.

Glynda: Then begin!

As a bull Cardin charged first swinging his mace down towards Cayde but he just sidestepped and just out right bitch smacked him in the face. Everyone was surprised that Cayde just smacked Cardin in the face like it was nothing. Yang and Nora chuckled on this act and soon even more so on what he's about to say.

Cayde: Take that sir! Behold a grown man weepi-

But before he could finish he closely dodged a swing from Cardin's mace which now shows his face that was filled with anger. He swung wildly towards Cayde but he just simply shot his kneecaps and pushed him out of the ring by kicking him right in the balls in which i laughed while pointing at him.

Ozpin's Office

Ozpin: ?

Port: You alright old friend?

Ozpin: I don't know? I feel... a disturbance?

Glynda's classroom

Glynda: And the winner is Jaune Arc.

Everyone male in the room covered their balls out of reflex even Ren but some of the Girls surprisingly Weiss laughed at his misfortune.

Glynda: Ahem as you can see students Mr. Winchester's Aura is now is the red which means Mr. Arc is declared the winner.


Glynda: Well that's it for class for today but remember to train for the Vytal tournament.

As the students left for the cafeteria Cayde's friends came up to him to congratulate on his small victory.

Ruby: Congratulations Cayde!

Nora: I knew you could do it.

Yang: I guess Ice queen owes me some Lien.

Cayde: Wait you two put in a bet?

Yang: Weiss thought you wouldn't last other than 2 minutes while I said you can do it.

Cayde:Ice Queen I'm hurt.

Weiss: I-I guess I under estimate you Jaune.

Cayde: Just call me Cayde Snow angle, we're friends after all.

Weiss: *blush* W-whatever.

Yang: Oooo do my eyes deceive me? Is lady killer warming ice queens heart?

Weiss: N-no I'm not you dolt!

Ruby: Well enough chitchat. Let's grab lunch.

Nora: Yeah!

Time skip to Cafeteria

Nora: So fearless leader, got any stories for us about your... life?

Cayde: Hmm let's see? I got one. Ok I'm in this er boring meeting about something, I don't know wasn't paying attention then BOOM, it's like an ugly contest where everyone was a winner.

Ruby: Who attacked you?

Cayde: Oh um just some bandits nothing to special but anyway this one dude was all like "barg" so I shot him "pew" the I shot this other *pew* shot a couple extra guys just to be safe. *pew tsh tsh* I think I did a lot of shooting I'm being totally honest then *beeeww* they destroyed my favorite store. Second favorite there's this spicy Ramon shop, I'm getting sidetracked look long story short I get busy and I'm thinking "I got this" you know when you're like "I got this" but man I so did not have it.

Weiss: Then what?

Cayde: Oh then some Grimm came in, destroyed everything, yada yada yada then I went to Argus.

Ruby: Cool.

Weiss: I find that hard to believe.

Cayde: *sigh* Guess you gotta be there.

???: Ow Cardin that hurts!

Cardin: See I told you they were real.

Cayde: Geez can have one drink in peace. Yang hold my drink.

Yang: Go get lady killer.

Without teams CRDL's attention Cayde slowly sneaks up to Cardin and pulls out his hunter knife against his neck which frightened him.

Cayde: Hey what's you doing pal?

Cardin: J-just teach this freak a l-lesson.

Cayde: Oh really now. *pulls the knife closer* I suggest letting go of her ear and walking away before this knife right here will soon go where the sun don't shine capisce.

Cardin: F-fine.

He soon lets got of her ear and told his team that they were leaving not before Cayde throwing a banana at his head for good measure.

Cayde: Do is all a favor and stop monkeying around!

Then the entire cafeteria started laugh as team CRDL leaves in shame. Cayde then looks back at the bunny Faunus and pats her head.

Cayde: You ok little bunny?

Bunny: Y-yes. Thank you.

Cayde: Aye someone needs to teach that caveman a lesson or two. Also names Cayde you?

Velvet: Velvet Scarlatina.

Cayde: Well if you don't mind can I touch you ear please.

Velvet: J-just be gentle.

Cayde: I will.

Cayde gently rub her ear slowly making her blush and then soon she moans a tiny bit which Cayde caught wind of this and immediately let's go.

Cayde: Ok I'm just going to pretend I didn't heard that.

Velvet: S-sorry.

Cayde: No need to be sorry little bunny. Well I'll see you around.

As he walk back at the table he was greeted by praise by his friends for standing up to the bully but in the background Cardin glares at him wanting revenge for the humiliation he put him through.

To be continued

The Exo Hunter reincarnated into an ArcWhere stories live. Discover now