18| James

50 3 21

I had tried running after Riley but she was long out of the door before I had a chance to stop her, she climbed straight into Emily's car before driving off not even looking back. Her Dad had left just shortly after her and for the love of good I hope I never see him again 

Since Riley left, I'd been calling her. Trying to figure out where she would have gone while Emily and Owen were pacing around the kitchen. Making it known that they knew something, something I didn't 
Tilly had tired herself out screaming for Riley before she finally fell asleep allowing this to have my whole attention 
I know for a fact Tilly would wake up in a few hours and if Riley wasn't here, the struggle to get her back to sleep would be very noticeable 

"You can't tell him Em, I know you want to. I know you think that it'll help Riley but you also know it won't" I heard Owen say as I started to head to the kitchen
"Owen, if we don't he'll never know. Riley will push him away and by the looks of tonight, even Dad is trying to do that" Emily said
"Em, I love you and I know you are doing this for Riley but this is not our story to tell" Owen said before turning to see me stood there

"James" Emily said before Owen wrapped an arm around her as she sighed
"Why won't Riley tell me whatever this is?" I asked but Emily bowed her head

"Riley already hates that we know, she didn't want anyone to find out. She made it her mission to never tell anyone else about it and-" Owen started
"James, our Dad is one of the most vile men you will meet. I've spent day in and day out trying to defend him and I don't know why. I apologise for whatever he said to you tonight but please don't give up on Riley because of him" Emily said, her baby blue's looking at me with the same level of sadness Riley's had whenever she spoke to me about her father 

"Please James" She whispered before taking a step towards me

"Emily, I wouldn't. I don't care what the situation is, there is very little that could make me walk around right now" I explained earning a soft small
"She'll be at the dance studio" She said making me tilt my head
"It's where we grew up. Where Riley would always turn to when she needed to clear her head, to work through her problems" She said
"That place is her second home if they were ever truly a thing" Owen said making me nod
"We'll keep an eye on Tilly for you James, go to her" Emily said 

And she did not need to tell me twice 


Owen dropped me off at the studio seeing as Riley already drove here, we didn't need to be driving back separately. This place was relatively calming, I don't know what is was about this place but it seemed homey which I guess was a perk for people like Riley who depending on it
As I continued to walk through the corridors, everywhere was pitch black, there was not lights on at all which wasn't giving me the hope that Riley was really here
Until there was a small light at the end of the corridor. One I could and almost did completely miss

I walked into the studio only to see a small lamp in the corner on filling the room with a small amount of light, not enough for it to be completely lit. But enough that I could Riley sat with her back against the mirror, her head in between her knees

She let our a big huff of air before leaning her head back up, her brown eyes latching onto mine. I watched as her breathed hitched while her eyes panicked a little before she finally opened her mouth to speak
"W-What are you doing here?" She asked frantically picking at her fingers while I walked over taking a seat next to her, mimicking her position 

"I needed to make sure you were okay" I said softly making Riley's shoulder sink a little lower 
"I'm okay. I always am" She muttered but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more then anything
"I don't think that's the case. It's okay to not be okay sometimes Riley" I reminded her watching as she closed her eyes
"I think we need to take a step back James" She whispered with her eyes closed

"Absolutely not" I quipped back at her
"James" She started but I shook my head 

"I get it Riley, you are scared. You have it in your head I'll be better off without you, you have it in your head that you are this big burden that nobody should have to deal with. Someone that nobody should have to concern themselves with" I started
"But I don't care. I know there is a bigger story here, a bigger motive but until you are ready to tell me about it I'm not going anywhere. Even after you have told me I still won't be going anywhere" I reminded her 

She opened her eyes looking at me, there was a budding silence between us. She didn't say anything, she was busy searching my face almost checking to see if I was being honest
Which I was

"What did he say to you?" She whispered 
"Your Dad?" I asked making her nod
"He asked what it would cost for me to leave you alone. Apparently he could pay for Tilly to have a brilliant life" I explained making Riley sigh
"And you didn't take it?" She muttered
"No. Do you want to know why?" I asked, Riley turned to glance at me before hesitantly nodding

"because I don't need the money, Tilly is going to have a brilliant life with or without it. She has us, two people who love her unconditionally. Two people she loves with everything she is. She doesn't need anything more then that" I said before watching Riley's lips curl up slightly before she bowed her head again

"As much as I love her James, I think that it's best if we stopped this arrangement. I think it's time I let the pair of you get on with you life" She said making me chuckle earning a look of confusion from Riley

"Ri, if you don't want to be her Nanny anymore then say so but I can promise you right now that there is no way we would just up and leave. Being her Nanny isn't the reason we are with you, it's a perk sure but regardless on your title with Tilly. We'll always be there, you apart of this family" I said
But it seems that the moment I mentioned the word family Riley began to panic and her breathing began to pick up 
Frantically I moved closer placing my arm around her stroking her back in the hope that would help 

"I can't, we can't-" She started saying but I shake my head
"We aren't going anywhere Riley. I promise" I whispered placing my forehead onto hers
"James we can't- I can't- This won't work and-" She panicked 

I leant down pressing my lips against her knowing that this was probably the only way to calm her down right now. It worked before I would do it a thousand times more

"Breathe Ri" I whispered as we pulled away, she looked up at me, her big brow eyes now glazed over slightly 
"This won't work James. I can't be apart of the family and-" She said but I cupped her cheek gently stroking it 

"You aren't ready to tell me the reason and I respect that but until you are Ri, we'll take this one step at a time okay?" I whispered making her fill the air with a heavy sigh
She sunk a little letting the silence fill the air but it was no longer an awkward silence
There was something quiet calming about it

Riley slowly fell into my arms laying on my chest completely as I rest my head on top of hers
I don't care what happened in the past, but when I find out what it is. Some people will have a price to pay for hurting her like this.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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