8| Riley

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"he really panicked about some shit?" Hunter laughed as we stood down in the lobby the next morning, I went down to collect my mail knowing that I doubt I would need to go out at all today. 
"Hunt, play nice" I warned him
"I miss when you used to chat shit with me about him" he pouted making me roll my eyes
"So does this mean you and James are good now? No more hatred towards him?" Hunter asked and I shrugged

"I don't think you ever really gave me a reason as to why you didn't like him? You've never had a problem with the boys and I. But James you did?" Hunter asked as we started to walk back upstairs
"When I first moved in here, he wasn't the friendliest of people" I said making Hunter raise a brow to me 

"What did he do?" Hunter asked making me sigh as I got to our floor, we stopped off by my door
"Look Hunter, I think it's truly best that we leave that in the past. There is no point dragging that back up for no other reason then the drama it would create" I said but Hunter sighed nodding

Before we had the chance to say anything else there was a squeal followed by a bunch of giggles coming from my living room making both Hunter and I smile
"seems like you have some people waiting on you" He teased nudging me before turning and heading over to the boys flat 

I walked into the living room to see James sat in the sofa with Tilly, Tilly was propped up by pillows next to him while the pair of them played peekaboo
It was Tilly's newest talent that she is in love with 
It's even given Hunter a way into her good books, the key to Tilly's heart seems to be peekaboo

"I think it's safe to say you won that bet last night" James said before looking over at me, Tilly then glanced over before giggling trying to throw herself into the crawling position but she was nowhere near the crawling stage at the moment
She's good at getting onto her hands and knees and rocking back and forth in the attempt to crawl but has not become mobile just yet
"That was merely a means of getting you calm enough to sleep James. I'm not expecting you guys to come next weekend" I said heading to the kitchen to busy myself 

James didn't take long to come over and join me, he had Tilly on his hip before placing her down on the counter
Tilly looking up at James before giggling as he took a seat on one of the breakfast stools

"A bet was a bet Riley. Unless you don't want us there?" James offered making me sigh before turning to glance at him

It isn't the case of me wanting them there, in fact them being there might help me get through the weekend but I don't want my father to make an assumption, a comment or anything 
He's just so unpredictable and I don't know what is going to happen

"It's not you guys, you guys are not the problem it's just-" I started before stopping myself and looking down
"Your Dad?" James asked almost reading my mind 
"We'll be there if you want us there Riley. I don't really care what your Dad will say or do providing it isn't going to hurt you or anything" James said allowing me to tilt my head to look at him 

"It's not him hurting me I'm worried about. He's the type of guy who doesn't have a filter, the type of guy who will speak his mind and the feelings he has towards me aren't the kindest at the moment and I don'-" I started to ramble
"Ri, do you want us there? Taking your Dad out of the equation" James asked making me bite my lip lightly before looking at Tilly

"James I" I said before looking at him to see his eyebrows raised while he looked at me waiting for a better answer then the speech I had mentally prepared in my head

"In an ideal world, yes. You guys would probably keep me sane" I said making James smile
"But like it's a bunch of new people that you don't know and that Tilly doesn't know and I don't want to stress you guys out" I explained but James shook his head

"Tills, I think we need to go and get you a pretty dress for this weekend" James said leaning down to Tilly who giggling grabbing at his face before turning to me reaching out her hands 


"Do you think there is a reason we end up spending more time here then we do at my place?" James asked laying on the sofa while Tilly played on her tummy mat
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean, I come home from work and we hang out here. Occasionally you'll spend the weekend with us at mine but 9 times out of 10 we end up here" He confessed
"Is that a problem?" I laughed
"Doesn't it work out better seeing as it gives the boys time to chill and relax instead of Tilly terrorising them all" I continued making James shrug looking down at Tilly with a sigh 

"come on" I said rolling my eyes, I picked up Tilly and headed straight for the door
"Where are we going?" James asked making me scoff while Tilly giggled looking at James
"Where do you think Einstein?" I asked
"He's not very bright is he ladybug" I said leaning down to Tilly as she pressed our foreheads together 

It wasn't long before James was on his feet and we had gathered the things he would need to take back with him, like Tilly's bunny 

"I didn't mean that we had to abort plans Ri. Your sofa is more comfortable too" James pouted making me roll my eyes as we made our way out of the front door 
"I think your right though, you boys pay a lot of rent for that flat, you should be spending time there too" I answered
"I'll walk you back then you guys can have your evening to yourselves" I said as we got to their front door
"What no Ri, why?" James panicked making me chuckle, I leant against the doorframe passing Tilly to him while he continued to look at me with the panicked expression

"Let's go back to Riley's huh Tills?" James asked Tilly who started to blow raspberries into his face making me laugh
"James" I said but James shook his head looking down at me 

"I don't want you to go Riley, if I have the choice then I'll just stay where ever you are" He said softly taking a step closer
"What if some thing happens?" He asked
"With Tilly?" I asked

"uh yeah with Tilly" James said looking at Tilly before looking back at me 
"James" I said quietly as he took another step closer
"Riley" He answered with the same tone and another step closer

By this point he was close enough that all it would take was me to reach up on the tips of my toes to press our lips together. It would only take a brief second
The fact that James' gaze kept shifting between my lips and my eyes, it gave me the impression that he also had the same thought

"You have a girlfriend?" A voice screeched making us jump apart. The sudden loud noise spooked Tilly to the point she started bellowing out a cry trying to get out of James' arms 
"And a baby! James what the hell is going on?" The voice asked, it was a girl. I don't think I have ever seen her here with the boys but I guess I'm not as clued in as I thought

I looked over at James while I bounced Tilly trying to calm her down
What the hell is going on? And who is she? 

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