13| Riley

35 3 16

As I woke up the next morning, I was slightly disorientated. I don't even remember going to bed. I was on the sofa trying to calm Tilly down after she threw something making it hit the side of her head in passing
I don't remember getting into bed, I don't even remember James getting home 

But when I opened my eyes, no words could explain what was going on
I turned to look up only to see I was completely encased by James. His arms boxing my in as I laid firmly against his chest
We'd never done that before, every time he's slept over he's always stayed on his side of the bed but this time it's obvious that I intruded on his side

"Morning" his voice said in a whisper as her pulled me that little big closer
"I'm so sorry" I said making James chuckle as he pushed some of the hair out of my face
"And what exactly are you apologising for?" He asked re-shifting our position so he was looking directly at me 

"I probably squashed you all night. I don't even remember going to bed and-" I started but James shook his head 
"I'm serious, did I fall asleep with Tilly on me? Oh god I did didn't i! God I'm so stupid. Is she okay? Where is she? I-" I started before being cut off again 
This time a completely new way

While I continued to ramble myself into a panic, sometime that was going on James had shifted again but this time he shook his head at me pressing his lips against mine pulling me closer trying to drain the panic from me
The moment I tried to pull away, James hand crept forward cupping me cheek keeping me in place 

But before either of us could do anything else, small cries filled the room making it evident that Tilly was now awake 
We pulled away but James' hand stayed cupping my cheek while our foreheads were pressed against each others
"You don't need to apologise, Tilly is fine as you can well and truly here. I've fallen asleep with her multiple times and you know it. You didn't squash me at all last night do I don't want to ever hear you say that again" James said softly trying to make it audible over Tilly

I didn't have a chance to say anything, in reality, I don't think I could say anything I was speechless at this point. This was not where I thought this morning was going

"Alright alright" James chuckled getting out of bed walking over to Tilly's crib picking her up. I was glad that we had a crib in here it meant that Tilly wasn't having to sleep in the travel cot the entire time. It made sense seeing as she naps here and everything while James is at work
"Morning princess" James said as Tilly was in his arms. He made his way back over to the bed placing her between the two of us

Tilly started to look around as she laid on the pillow before her eyes landed on me causing her to giggle as she rolled over so she was practically on me
"Morning ladybug" I smiled kissing her cheek while she started to play with my hair that had fallen to my shoulders 

"now ladies, we have a busy day ahead of us. I'm going to go shower so you both can stay in bed till I'm done if you'd like" James offered making me raise a brow at him
"You're going to make my water bill shoot up with how many showers you have" I reminded him earning an eyeroll
"Then I'll help pay for it, don't even worry about it" he said kissing my forehead before doing the same to Tilly leaving to go to the bathroom


It only took us a few hours to get to Emily's. This entire time gave me this meh feeling. I don't know what it was but I didn't like it one bit 
There was just this looming fear that something was going to happen. Something I couldn't control, something I couldn't stop

"you okay?" James asked placing his hand onto mine that was laid on my lap
I didn't bother to turn to look at him, I sighed nodding but I should have known that wouldn't have been good enough

James turned his hand over intertwining our fingers giving my hand a squeeze causing me to look at him as we pulled into Em's driveway
"You've got this okay. Tilly and I are right here" He said softly and as if on queue Tilly giggled starting to blow raspberries at the pair of us 
Both of us turned around to look at her, she was happy, content. She was oblivious to the hectic hell she was about to walk in. Neither of us them were aware of what they were getting themselves in to

"Promise me if it gets too much you'll tell me and we'll leave?" I asked making James furrow his brows causing me to raise mine meaning I was no happy with that expression

"If it gets too much I promise to tell you" He said leaning forward
I was almost certain he was about the kiss me again but this time we were interrupted by Tilly's pleas for attention making the pair of us chuckle getting out of the car

"Was someone a little jealous" James asked throwing Tilly about as we walked up to the door
"It's okay Tills. You can have all the kisses you want" He teased before smothering the poor girl with kissing making her squeal with joy and giggles as we finally got to the door

I knocked on it loud enough for it to be heard before turning back to James and Tilly who were still in the little situation
"James let the girl breath" I said nudging him causing him to roll his eyes for me as Tilly held her hands out for me making me nod in his direction earning a scoff
"It's okay ladybug, I'll keep the mean mean man away from you" I said but James glared playfully again before wrapping an arm around the pair of us 
Before he could say or do anything, Tilly started to blow more raspberries covering him in spit again

"Well. Hi Riley" A voice said making all of us look up, that was not at who I was expecting to answer the door...

"Hi Dad" I said looking directly at him while both Tilly and James looked at me confused and concerned 

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