6| Riley

36 3 16

It's been about a week or so since I agreed to be Tilly's Nanny, it's honestly worked a lot smoother then I had anticipated
I had expected some sort of problem, I don't know what but something
But in fact it's so simple and ideal
James drops Tilly off here before he heads to work then he'll come over and pick her up before heading home
It's become an ongoing theme that every now and again James ends up staying for dinner but that's not becoming a habit, or at least I hope it isn't

Tilly and I were currently down at the park near the building. It was a small one but had enough to keep Tilly entertained
She's taken to James like no tomorrow which is a good thing, she hasn't been as forgiving with the others from what I've heard

If Hunter comes near her let alone tries to pick her up she'll scream bloody murder until either James or I take her from him
She's hit and miss with West, some days she likes him others she doesn't
And Eldon, Eldon talks her to sleep but if she wakes up in Eldon's arms she'll scream

"Oh she is beautiful" A little old lady said as I stood by the swings gently swinging Tilly, she loves them even though she shouldn't really be in them just yet. After I padded the swing with enough blankets she was good to go
"What's her name?" She continued to ask
"Matlida, but we call her Tilly" I said smiling watching Tilly as she continued to giggle 
"How old is she?" The little old lady continued to question
"She's uh 4 months" I said

I'm not used to being out and about with Tilly just yet and I think I'm even more uncomfortable with this little old lady asking so many questions. I know it's silly, I know I shouldn't really care but I don't know. It seems off..

I took my phone out to text James just to see what he was up to, if he was free I would swing by the office to so he could see Tilly, maybe that'll settle this feeling

I can't even begin to explain it. Just something in my stomach isn't sitting right now 

After having the confirmation that he wasn't busy, I picked up Tilly putting her back in her pram attempting to leave the park
"Oh honey, where are you rushing of to?" The same lady asked making me turn back to her still slightly taken back
"Uh, we have to go meet her Dad. We've got to go" I said now practically running out of the park not wanting to look back 
Knowing my luck she would be hot on my trail had I dared to look back 

We arrived at James office only to see him pacing on the pavement in front of the building, the moment he glanced over at us his face was full with the panic that I could easily confirm was smothering me too
"Riley, what's going on?" He asked coming over, he looked over me before he looked down at Tilly who was very content in her pram
"I don't know, it's probably silly but there was just this lady at the park and she was asking all kinds of questions and I don't know it creeped me out" I said making James take a deep breath in before nodding 

I bowed my head knowing I had completely overreacted, but what surprised me next was instead of me hearing from James that I was just being silly.. I felt his arms wrap around my pulling me into a tight hug making my breath hitch before sinking into his arms a little more

"It's okay" He said softly pressing his head on top of mine stroking my arm slightly
"I'm sorry if we disturbed you at work" I mumbled 
"Hey, it's alright. It was boring me anyway" He laughed as we pulled away
"Why don't I cancel my meetings today and the three of us can go and do something?" He offered, I raised a brow at him

I'd never asked James what he did for work but I was even more curious with every meeting he cancelled recently


James and I were both stuck on what we were going to do. I had suggested we just go home and settle for the day but James was content on doing something
It wasn't until he had an idea in his head that we got a destination
"The Aquarium? Isn't she a little young James?" I laughed as we pushed the pram to the pram check in. Prams were probably not ideal for all the tight tunnels

"Didn't you tell me the other day that one of the things she loves are lights and colours?" He asked making me nod
"What better place then? There is bound to be all sort of sensory shi- stuff.. here" He said correcting himself as he looked down at Tilly as he got her out of the pram

Over the last week, he's gotten a lot more confident and comfortable with holding her, picking her up etc 
There is hope for him yet 

Dare I say James was right? 
We walked into the aquarium after buying tickets we walked through some double doors and the entire entrance was dark with some bright colourful lights showing off the tanks
Tilly was looking around with a smile on her face as she kicked her legs making James have to readjust how he held her 
We stopped over at one of the tanks that had some light blue fishes swimming around, the moment that Tilly saw them she was giggling almost trying to hit the glass but James quickly took her hands before she could 

"I have to admit, this was good idea" I smiled as we all started to continue to walk through the aquarium
Tilly looked over at me the moment she heard my voice before reaching over to try and climb into my arms 

Lately she does this a lot, if I'm holding her and she hears James she'll throw herself towards him and then vice versa
It's a sweet notion, it really is

"Ri, stop stealing my daughter will you" James teased as soon as I took tilly out of his arms, I rolled my eyes at him before his laughter filled the room
We walked through this completely glass tunnel
"Woah" James said looking up making both Tilly and I copy, it did not disappoint
Right above us was some turtles swimming around minding their own business 

"What do you think ladybug?" I asked making Tilly smile before throwing herself over my shoulder cuddling up

"I think it's naptime" James chuckled stroking the back of his daughters head as she cuddled up  closer 

"Such a sweet family" Someone behind us said, I'm pretty sure out of the three of us, I was the only one in ear shot
Is that really what we looked like? A family?

Maybe this was a bad idea...

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