7| James

33 3 18

"You're telling me that you two have been going on family dates and you haven't made a move? come on man" Hunter teased as we all sat on the sofa. It's been a couple of weeks since this whole situation started and it's been going well, there have been minor blips like the lady at the park, Tilly randomly deciding she only wanted to sleep during the say for 4 days straight 
But we're making it by

"Pack it in" I warned him but he rolled his eyes
"just wanna point out right before Tilly arrived Riley hated your guts but all of a sudden she's spending almost every day with you?" Hunter added before I turned to West and Eldon for a little help

"Hey man you are on your own. He's not wrong" West said turning back to the TV while Eldon offered me a supportive smile

Before either of us had another chance to make any sort of argument, Tilly started crying from the bedroom
"Looks like giggles is awake" West said making Hunter raise his gaze
"Well she clearly isn't fucking giggling is she" He said making the living room irrupt into laughter as I got up to go and see what was going on

She wasn't due a feed for another few hours, she hadn't long gone down, I changed her before putting her to bed
I was out of reason's by the point I got to our room

As soon as I opened the door, Tilly's screams got louder to the point had this been day 1 I would have covered my ears again
I walked over to her crib (That the boys and I spent way to long trying to build only to have Riley come and do it within 10 minutes) picking her up bouncing her lightly in the hope that would calm her down but it wasn't working 
It didn't take long for me to see what the problem was, the smell in the room should have been the first hint but I guess I hadn't noticed it straight off the bat

"Let's sort you out huh" I cooed taking her over to her changing table 

I would easily say this is the worst part of babies, their shit stinks more then any of our farts together, like I don't understand how something so small and sweet can create something so vile

"That's not right" I said to myself looking down at the nappy. I'm not really the type of guy who goes and examines poo but like how has it gone from brown and healthy this morning so now a gunky green thing now?

I quickly cleaned her up putting the nappy in a nappy back and doing up Tilly's clothes before heading out of the room with her cuddled up to me probably falling asleep again
"Dude it's gone midnight, where are you possibly going?" Eldon laughed but I ignored them all walking through the corridor till I got to Riley's flat..

There was no noise coming from the door and I couldn't even see a light on from under the door like usual which mean she was probably sleeping
This could wait till morning right? Probably
I mean yeah it could 
but also what if it couldn't? what if something was wrong with Tilly? 

Without a second thought I started to knock on Riley's door, I'll give it a minute or so and if I don't get a response no harm done I go back home and forget about it 
Tilly started to stir on my shoulder making noises as if she was uncomfortable
Only solidifying that this probably couldn't wait until morning

"Please" I said softly to myself before knocking on the door a little harder this time
"James wha-" Hunter said before Riley finally opened the door. The moment she did the door to our flat shut 

"James? What are you doing here?" She asked rubbing her eyes making it obvious I had just woken up 
"I need you help" I said allowing her to step back letting Tilly and I in
Riley put on some of the lights on in her living room before turning back to me

"I don't know what is going on. It was fine this morning and now it's not!" I said placing to back on the counter 
"And she's making this noises and it sounds like she is in pain" I explained
Riley's looked between Tilly and I before trying to take her from me 
With one swift movement I turned my body so Tilly was out of reach only confusing Riley even more
"James, you are going to need to give me some more information" She said making me sigh before I handed over Tilly

The moment I did, the noises stopped and she settled
"Okay so she was uncomfortable because you were holding her too tightly James. Now what was fine this morning but now it isn't?" She asked sighing sitting down on the sofa

"her poo Riley!" I said holding up the nappy bag
"Oh lord James please tell me you did not bag up her poo just to bring over here?" Riley said making me purse my lips together before nodding
"What's wrong with her poo? And I hope you know you are taking that home with you" She said with a light laugh
"It's green Riley! It's not supposed to be green, it was brown this morning. What if something is wrong with her and we don't know?" I asked panicked making Riley chuckle standing back up taking the bag off of me putting it down on the side

She took a hold of my arm and made me sit on the sofa before handing Tilly back to me
"James, Tilly's poop is green because we started giving her some solids this week. It's nothing sinister it's just her body adapting to the change. Just like how our body reacts to foods we don't like" Riley explained
"So she doesn't like the solids? So we should stop and-" I started before Riley placed her hand on my arm

"It's not that she doesn't them James, may I remind you of the smile on her face you got when you fed her? She's just adapting" Riley said making me sigh looking down at Tilly

"You really got yourself worked up didn't you?" Riley asked making me nod before turning to look at her
"I just, I thought something was wrong. She's only been with me for a couple weeks.. I don't want to have messed up already" I said making Riley smile and nod
"Do you two want to stay here tonight just in case something else happens?" She offered
"I can put the travel cot up in my room and you can take that room while I crash out here" Riley said making me furrow my brows

"I'm not kicking you out of your room Ri" I said making her roll her eyes
"You can stay in there two, I'm sure the bed is big enough?" I offered before seeing Riley shrug walking over to her closet to grab the travel cot 

Did I really just overthink that for no reason? Was I really do that already
"Hey mister" Riley said standing in the door way to her room
"Stop overthinking it, either get in here and go to sleep or Tilly and I will sleep here and you can stay out here in the dark" Riley said making me roll my eyes standing up gently not to wake Tilly

I stepped inside Riley's room before smiling to myself, this was the one room in her flat I had never needed to go into but it is the epitome of Riley. Her walls were covered in photo's of her family and friends, she had a tons of pillows and blankets dotted everywhere it was a lot more cosier then any other room I had been into 

"Right come on ladybug, it is well and truly passed your bedtime" Riley said taking Tilly from my arms placing her in the travel cot before turning back to you
"And you, it is clearly past your bedtime too" Riley said nodding towards the bed

"I should let the boys kno-" I started but Riley shook her head
"James get into bed, I'll text Eldon. You're going to drive yourself up the wall if you carry on second guessing yourself" She said making me sigh as I climbed into the bed in between both Riley and Tilly
"You sure she is going to be okay?" I asked making Riley turn to face me so that she was looking at me instead
"I'm so sure I'll put a wager on it" Riley said confidently
"Yeah?" I asked curious on where this is going
"If she isn't okay, I'll buy dinner one day this week" Riley said making me laugh knowing full well I wouldn't let that happen

"and If she is?" I asked making Riley bite her lip slightly making me slightly nervous
"you and Tilly come with my sister's engagement party next weekend?" Riley asked making me raise a brow

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