17| James

34 4 18

Emily and Owen's party was well and truly underway. Riley had been off mingling, she had tried to keep my under her wing but there was a point I had to just let her get on with it before I got a serious case of whiplash. I had tried to take Tilly in the hope it would make it easier for Riley but Tilly had other ideas, that included staying on Riley's hip
Not that Riley would ever complain about that 

Emily and Owen have honestly been awesome yesterday and today. I was hesitant at first at the idea of Tilly being here, I didn't want to inconvenience them with having a baby around. One of the things I've learnt about having a child is how unpredictable they are, Tilly can be a little angel one minute then screaming the place down like we'd just tried to kill her the next

"hey man" Owen said coming over, I glanced over to see that Emily and Riley were stood over talking to some older ladies who were clearly gushing over Tilly, Tilly was soaking up all of it
"Hey" I chuckled as he handed me another beer
"so the girls are doing what they do best. What does that mean we  do?" He asked and I shrugged
"This is the first big party I've attended so your guess is as good as mine" I answered making him chuckle before clinking the glasses with me 

"Well I would like to assume that you'll be attending a lot more with Riley right?" He questioned making me purse my lips together 

I would love nothing more then to be there to do this with Riley but it's not up to me. That's up to Riley and right now she's even more hesitant. She's pushing me away, I can't tell if it's intentionally or subconsciously but I can feel it regardless

"That's up to Ri. I wouldn't mind it though" I said offering him a smile
"Just don't give up on her okay?" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder making me look at him slightly confused
"Why would I give up?" I asked and he sighed nodding his head
"It's not me you need to ask that James. Don't push her too fast, don't let her push you away. Don't give up" He finally said before Emily's calls were heard over the sound of the music beckoning him over to where they stood 

I looked over at Riley to see that she was stood away from everyone with Tilly bouncing on her hip. The sweet thing was the part where Tilly and Riley actually matched this evening.
Riley's dress was a dark red while Tilly's was cream with bursts of dark red through out 
Part of me think it was intentional but I wouldn't mind if it was 

There was a switch between Riley and I. Hell there have been many but somewhere along the line we blurred the lines between us, I don't know why everyone is so cryptic about her or what the situation is with her Dad 
But what I do know is simple..

She's pulling me in and I'm falling 


"James right?" An unfamiliar voice said making me turn on my heels to see the same face that greeted Riley and I yesterday afternoon
Her father
"Yes, It's nice to meet you sir" I said hoping the formalities would get us into his good graces not that there is one from what I've heard
"I'm Peter, Riley's father" He said before glancing over at Riley who had just left me to feed Tilly. I had offered to do it but Riley was  happy to so I didn't stop her

"I've seen that you two are rather close. That is your daughter isn't it?" He questioned mentioning Tilly
"Yes" Was I said as my eyes stayed trained on him. Something about this entire  situation was not sitting with me 

"How much is going to take James." He said making me tilt my head confused as to what he was speaking about
"I could give you more then enough money to make sure your daughter has a good life. So name your price" He continued not adding any clarification as to what he was talking about

"Price for what sir?" I asked making him chuckle before his eyes found mine
"How much will it cost for you to walk away from Riley. To leave her alone and not come back" Peter said making my breath hitch completely
"I know you James, well I know boys like you. You all have a price" He explained
"So what will it be? Like I said, that daughter could have a fantastic life if you leave mine alone" He said making it sound more like a warning 

"Whether I took your money or not, my daughter would have a brilliant life. I don't need you silence money to make that happen. In fact I don't need anything from you" I explained
"the only reason we are even speaking right now if purely down to respect and how much I respect your daughter. Something I can clearly say you do not" I answered, my eyes flaring with anger

"James" Emily's voice sounded before her and Owen appeared by my side. I snapped my eyes off of Peter before they found Riley amongst the ever growing crowd before she started to rush over

"You're a silly little boy James" Peter growled 
"Dad!" Emily yelled sternly
"Silly little boy? For what? The fact you can't buy me out?" I asked
"I'm not the coward here sir" I warned him as soon as Riley got to my side

Tilly looked over at Peter before looking up at me. Whenever Tilly knows something is wrong she'll reach out to us as a way of trying to offer us comfort 
And that is exactly what she is doing now
She leant out of Riley's arms pulling at my shirt until I took her from Riley allowing her to cuddle into my shoulder

"And if you ever mention my daughter again, this conversation will go completely differently" I said stroking the back of her neck allowing her to settle as she mimicked my actions 

"I think it's time you leave Dad" Emily said using the confidence that Riley was hoping she had. Emily had read her mind and took the stance for her
"Emily, this doesn't inv-" He started before glaring at me
"Get out of my house" Owen warned Peter making his eye draw now to Owen with the same glare

"Go Dad" Riley said timidly before walking away from the entire crowd 

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