12| James

34 3 17

Driving Piper to the train station tonight was a little bittersweet. We'd been seeing her Monday evening but it also means that things have to go back to how they were. Meaning Tilly and I had no reason to be staying with Riley anymore
But it also meant that Piper's time here was over with and she would be gone again
I'd thoroughly enjoyed having her around
Even if she spent most of the time teasing me in front of Riley

"So this is it pipesqueak" I teased ruffling her hair as she groaned
"Pack it in Jamesy" She said swatting my hands away
"You're welcome back anytime okay?" I sighed making Piper nod
"Of course I am, me being here means your get to bunk with Riley" She smirked while I rolled my eyes

"I don't just want you around so I can crash with Riley Pipes you know that right?" I asked, Piper looked at me before laughing and nodding
"Of course I know that you idiot. I'm playing" She said nudging me lightly as we stood on the platform

"You know, she's good for you James" Piper said making me smile slightly 
"Both of them are to be honest. Seeing the three of you together this last week, you wouldn't think that Tilly wasn't Riley's. You've sort of built yourself a family" She continued to smile
"Sooo big brother, don't mess it up please. Because I will chose Riley's side no matter if she was in the wrong of not" Piper finished before tapping me on the shoulder

"Thankyou for coming down Piper" I said making Piper roll her eyes before pulling me into a hug as her train pulled into the station 

The drive home was anti-climatic. I didn't really know what the state of play was, it was around the time where Tilly would be going down for bed. Prior to this week we didn't really have the best schedule for her but I don't it was easier while we were all in one place I guess
I got to the flats and could already hear the boys music meaning that if I brought Tilly back, I would be interrupting their evenings
But at the same time, I couldn't keep imposing on Riley like this. It wasn't fair 

I knocked on her front door before opening it. What I had anticipated was certainly not what I was greeted with 

What usually happened was, I would go and put Tilly to bed and would come back to Riley either cooking us some dinner or cleaning up after Tills. Then I would remind her she didn't need to do that etc
But what I was greeted with instead was Riley and Tilly both asleep on the sofa 

I smiled at the sight stepping closer, Tilly was cuddled up to Riley's chest while Riley was leant back with her feet up on the table in front of her
Both of them were out for the count 
I walked over chuckling to myself before I began to clean up around her. I knew for a fact if Riley woke up and saw the mess around, she'd probably have an aneurysm of something 
As soon as I finished I turned back to see Riley stirring slightly but after she pulled Tilly a little closer she had settled herself again 

When I first found about Tilly, I was petrified.. If you had asked me my game plan back then it would have been begging Natalie to take her back
I wasn't ready for a baby. Hell I could barely take care of myself let alone a little girl 
But with Riley, she made it so easy 

She was patient with me while I learned what to do, she treats Tilly as if she is the best thing to ever walk into her life
And Tilly loves Riley, sometimes even more then she loves me 

I didn't know what the future had in store for me when this started but if it is anything like this.. I wouldn't object..


I had finished everything that Riley would usually do, there was food in the fridge ready for our trip tomorrow, her dishes were done, the living room looked like Tilly had never stepped foot in there
Riley like having things a certain way and I can't blame her
Honestly, her tidiness has helped a lot when it came to this past week. I knew exactly where things were..
Where as in my flat, everything is thrown in a cupboard and we hope for the best 

With that all concluded, now it was time for the hard part.. Transferring both of them to their beds 

Tilly was rather simple, Riley had a hold on her sure but it was easy enough to separate the two of them. The moment I had taken Tilly out of Riley's arms though there was a small whimper that left Tilly's lips breaking my heart a little bit 
But as soon as she was in her crib she settled cuddled up to her bunny 

I headed back out to the living room to see Riley still in the exact same place I had left her. She was still cuddling the area that Tilly was which of course made me chuckle to myself before heading over to her 
I placed my arm under her legs and one wrapped around her before picking her up holding her close as we headed back to her room
"hmm" Riley said to herself as she started to stir in my arms
"Shh Ri, go back to sleep" I whispered pressing a soft kiss against her temple in the hope that would be enough to get her back to sleep 

Placing her down on her bed, I went over to my side joining her. Usually Riley and I would sleep pretty separated. The only time we ever end up close in the bed was when Tilly wouldn't settle and she would end up in bed with both us 
Other then that it was a strict my side and her side

 But for the first time since this started, Riley crossed the line 

"Ri, what-" I started before Riley shook her head resting it gently on my chest trying to get as close as she could
"Don't leave" She whispered, I looked down at her confused. Her eyes were tightly closed like she was fast asleep
Was she dreaming

"Please don't leave" She said again this time grabbing a fistful of my shirt pulling me in closer
"I'm not going anywhere" I whispered pressing another kiss to her temple as I stroked her back allowing her to slowly calm down and settle 

I looked down at her to see her eyes still closed but not at tightly, she was calmed and now dreaming of hopefully something a little nicer 

Which begs the question
What was she originally dreaming about..?

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