4| Riley

37 3 15

"Yes Emily, I heard you" I sighed slumping down on my sofa the following afternoon. I had some interviews this morning but I know where they are all going to head. The boy's flat is suspiciously quite if I'm honest
I hadn't heard anything more from when I left them last night. I ended up staying rather late helping to settle Tilly, showing all the boys how to change her and how to make bottles
Looks like their boy's pad has well and truly been tainted

"Did you though? Because you didn't confirm if you were going to come home for it?" Emily said making me close my eyes
"He wouldn't want me there even if I did agree Em, we know that" I warned her before hearing her huff
"Last time I checked, it wasn't up to him who I invited. You are my sister and if I want you there, You'll be there" She warned me
"It's been 3 years, you both need to get over it" She said raising her voice slightly

There was a moment of silence between us before I heard her sigh
"That was unfair, I'm sorry Riley. I know what he said, what he did hurt you and I'm not trying to downplay that. You know that right? I just.. I just want my sister back" She said softly

"When is this?" I asked 
"In a months time exactly" She said proudly
"I'll be there Emily but if he dare-" I started before being cut off
"If he dares say anything Riley I'll kick him out before he makes you leave" She said with a clear smile on her face 

Before I had the chance to say another word there was a soft knock on my door making me furrow my brows as I got off of the sofa walking in that direction
"Do you think that you can come like a day early or something Riley? I could use your help with setting up" Emily said the moment I opened the door to reveal James and Tilly stood there 

James looked like he hadn't slept a wink, Tilly was wide away and smiling at her Dad. I chuckled moving aside letting them step inside while I finished up my call with Emily

"I'm sure I can sort something out Em. Send me the details and I'll try and work it into my schedule" I said before a few more exchanges I was finally able to get her off of the phone turning back to James and Tilly
"Hey Ladybug" I smiled stroking her cheek before looking up at James
"I'm not trying to sound rude but you look like ass James" I said making him narrow his eyes at me

"Did you even sleep last night? I didn't hear any screams so I had assumed she had slept the night" I offered before I held my arms out offering to take Tilly
"She did sleep through the night but I didn't" He answered making me look at him confused

"You were scared weren't you" I offered but by the fact he then shifted to avoiding any eye contact. It was obvious that was the case
"I came to ask for a favour" He said bowing his head, I looked at him confused before looking down at Tilly who was now playing with the necklace around my neck
"Do I want to entertain this Tilly? Or am I walking into trouble?" I whispered to the baby loud enough that James could hear it too

"I have a meeting in just over an hour, is there any chance you could watch her until I get back? I'll pay you or whatever. I tried to cancel all of my meetings but this is the one that I couldn't and if I don'-" He said starting to ramble

"James, it's fine. Go to your meeting, I'll watch Tilly! It'll give me something to do today anyway" I said smiling at his daughter
"You aren't working or anything?" He offered but I shook my head
"Currently the job ladder isn't too easy to climb but I'm working on it" I explained. James looked over at me for a second before his gaze shifted to his daughter with a nod 

"Are you sure this will be okay?" He asked and I nodded
"I have plenty of baby things here so we should be golden" I smiled
"Why do you have so much baby things anyway?" James asked probably just curious and honestly, I don't blame him for being curious. I would to
I turned up at his house with everything he needed for his daughter with no prewarning

"I think that is a conversation for a different day" I said this time being the one to avoid the eye contact
That was not a story I was ready to tell anyone. Let alone my next door neighbour who until yesterday.. I could not stand 


After a while, James finally left for his meeting and it was just Tilly and I. It felt strange having a baby in this flat, it's always been myself and I. I don't think I've ever even had someone spend the night here 
When I moved here, I had every intention of going our broadening my circle of friends. I was going to take the city by storm but that proved harder then I had anticipated 

"Oh you like that one do you" I said smiling at Tilly as she reached out for the little bunny in front of her
She was laid on her tummy kicking her legs around filling the flat with giggles as she continued to explore on the mat in front of her 

I smiled once more before rising to my feet to start cleaning up some of the other things around the flat. I had a bottle that Tilly had practically finished that I needed to sterilise let alone packing away all the papers I was looking at before James arrived with Tilly

Before I could get too invested in tidying, there were a few small cries coming from Tilly, not the type of cry that meant she was in pain, she needed to be fed or changed, more so cries for attention
The type that meant she wanted to be picked up 

It was a demand I could happily meet, I picked up the last of the papers before turning back to Tilly picking her up allowing us both to take a seat on the sofa
The moment we were comfortable, she instantly curled to my chest resting her entire body against me and closing her eyes
I guess someone was tired

After stroking her cheeks a few times, Tilly gave in allowing herself to fall asleep. From what I'd seen when it came to this girls sleep patterns is that she has no trouble with it. She seems to fall asleep when she wants and for however long she wants too

Before I could even do anything else, there was a knock at the door meaning James was probably back. The highlight to this building complex is you cannot get inside with being buzzed in or using the residents code.
"It's open" I called loud enough that James could hear but soft enough that it wouldn't disturb Tilly. Or at least that was my hope 

The door opened and James came in looking even more defeated then he did when he left 
"Dare I ask if the meeting went well?" I said before James came over practically laying on the sofa
"It went fine" he grumbled to himself
"Was Tilly okay?" He whispered before his breaths got a little heavier
"She was perfect. Why don't you try and sleep too since she is" I offered, James shrugged making himself a little more comfortable on the sofa

When I made that offer, I certainly didn't mean on my sofa. I mean for him to go home and sleep 
But it was clear I lost that battle the moment I told him my door was open

It wasn't long before the flat was being filled with the gentle snores of not only Tilly, but now also James

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