9| James

37 3 15

"What are you doing here" I said as we got to my room, Riley was sat in the living room tending to Tilly and staying with the boys while I deal with this
"What am I doing here? James I am your sister! You went MIA!" Piper said a little too loudly for my liking
"Piper" I warned her but she shook her head
"I haven't even heard from you since the last time you visited, only for me to show up to see you playing house with a girl and her daughter? What is going on!" She said making me sigh

"If she's your girlfriend James I get it bu-" She started before I shook my head
"Riley isn't my girlfriend Pipes, she is Tilly's Nanny" I said making Piper look at me confused
"Tilly?" She questioned

"Matilda, the baby in the living room if your niece Piper" I said making her eyes widen
"What?! James what are you talking about?" She said pushing her hair out of her face

"It was the night after Dad and I argued over the fact I would pack up and move to suit him. The night he screamed at me reminding me how much of a disappointment I am" I explained
"James he-" She started before I shook my head silencing her
"I went out drinking that night and clearly got a little sloppy. Her name was Natalie, it was a one time thing and that is all it was ever meant to be until she dropped Tilly off 3 weeks ago. No explanation, no help, nothing" I continued to explain watching as Piper's eyes widened

"Riley lives across the corridor and is the only person here that I could ask for help from. She knows more about babies then all of us combined. The day Tilly was dropped off she started screaming and none of the four of us had a clue what to do but the moment she was in Riley's arms she was smitten with her" I said with a smile on my face
"Tilly was smitten with Riley or you were James?" Piper asked making me roll my eyes at her

"Riley has been a god send with Tilly, Tilly loves her unconditionally so of course that means Riley and I haven't gotten close too but she isn't my girlfriend Pipes" I explained

"Not yet at least" Piper winked making me groan
Once Piper had an idea like that in her head there was no telling what she would do to try and secure it even if it meant overstepping many boundaries that I had
"So now I've explained myself, Piper what are you doing?" I asked before hearing her sigh

"I needed to make sure you were okay James, it's been over a month since anyone last heard from you. Imagine if Mum had shown up and seen you making out with you girlfriend not girlfriend on your doorstep while holding you daughter that we knew nothing about" Piper said with a chuckle
"Are you just here for the day or are you staying?" I asked
"I mean, I would love to stay but your sofa is hella uncomfortable" She said making me laugh
She had a point that sofa was disgusting 

"Let me talk to Riley, if she is happy for me and Tills to crash with her you can have me room. But we are going out of town next weekend and-" I started before a smirk grew on her face
"Spending the night with her and going on trips together... But not datingggg hmmm" Piper said tapping her chin before I rolled my eyes pushing her out my bedroom door so we could join everyone 


We walked into the living room to see Hunter, Eldon and West on the sofa. But Tilly and Riley were nobody to be seen
"Your girls have gone back to Riley's. Tilly needed a nappy change but Riley didn't want to interrupt you guys" Eldon explained making me nod as we headed out of the room straight to Riley's 

The moment we got to her flat, the door was wide open and I could hear Riley baby talking with Tilly as she changed her nappy. It was a common occurrence
"And there we are" I head Riley coo making me smile
"She seems like a sweetheart James" Piper smiled before Riley walked out of her room with Tilly on her hips 
Riley looked at the pair of us before almost jumping out of her skin which in turn made Tilly laugh before reaching out to me

"Come here you" I smiled before she cuddled up to my shoulder
"Is she okay? I didn't mean to scare her" Piper said looking up at Tilly, Riley turned to Piper offering her a smile
"She is okay, she just was in a world of her own when you got here" She said making Piper nod

"I'm Piper, James' favourite sister" Piper said opening her arms to hug Riley. Piper has always been more of a hugger then a formal greeter
"You're my only sister Pipes" I explained making her roll her eyes
"I'm Riley, James' favourite nanny?" Riley said making it sounds more like a question
"Same point still stands. You are my only Nanny Riley" I said making Riley nod confidently 
"I didn't mean to disturb whatever I disturbed earlier, Jamesy over here hasn't spoke to any of us in over a month so I just came to check he wasn't dead" Piper said making me narrow my eyes at her

"Charming Pipes" I said making both her and Riley laugh

"Piper wants to stay for a little bit, would it be at all possibly for me and Tilly to crash here so she could have my room? I can sleep on the sofa and-" I started before Riley gave me a look
"James it'll be fine. Stop worrying" She said 

"Yeah what happened to Mr-Don't-Even-Worry-About-It?" Piper asked making Riley looked at her with a raised brow
"Mr what now?" She asked
"Nope not doing this" I said before Riley laughed

"Oh I think we are" She said grabbing my arm pulling me back
"James here used to have this front that he just didn't worry about anything" Piper said making Riley burst out laughing which then in turn made Tilly do the same

"Well I can confidently say that is not the case now" Riley said offering me a smirk in my direction 

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